mn Namespace Reference




struct  basic_atomic_gcc
 Generic atomic type, primary class template. More...
struct  _atomic
 Only for declar special version for types. More...
struct  _atomic< bool >
 Special version for bool. More...
struct  _atomic< char >
 Special version for char. More...
struct  _atomic< signed char >
 Special version for signed char. More...
struct  _atomic< short >
 Special version for short. More...
struct  _atomic< int >
 Special version for int. More...
struct  _atomic< long >
 Special version for long. More...
struct  _atomic< long long >
 Special version for long long. More...
struct  _atomic< unsigned char >
 Special version for unsigned char. More...
struct  _atomic< unsigned short >
 Special version for short. More...
struct  _atomic< unsigned int >
 Special version for int. More...
struct  _atomic< unsigned long >
 Special version for long. More...
struct  _atomic< char16_t >
 Special version for char16_t. More...
struct  _atomic< char32_t >
 Special version for char32_t. More...
struct  _atomic< wchar_t >
 Special version for wchar_t. More...
struct  _atomic_ptr
 Special version for pointer. More...
struct  is_pod< container::pair< TFIRST, TSECOND > >
struct  is_pod< container::triple< TFIRST, TSECOND, TTHIRD > >
struct  value2size
struct  value2size_raw
class  basic_atomic_flag
class  atomic_counter
 This class implements a simple counter, whit atomic operations for use in a multithreaded environment. More...
class  basic_atomic_singleton
 Singleton with double-checked locking pattern with atomic and mutex lock. More...
class  atomic_spinlock
 This class implements a simple spinlack, whit atomic operations. More...
class  auto_release_object
class  auto_release
 A simple garbage collector - pool based, a object for this colector must be extends auto_release_object. More...
class  basic_semaphore
class  basic_binary_semaphore
class  buffer
 A buffer class that allocates a buffer of a given type and size. More...
class  basic_clock
class  only_copyable_tag
 Not movable. More...
class  only_move_tag
 Not copyable. More...
class  only_oneable_tag
 Not copyable or movable. More...
class  copy_move_tag
 copyable and movable More...
class  basic_counting_semaphore
class  null_type
struct  system_endian
 Get the underlying endian architecture? More...
struct  base_eventargs
class  exit_eventargs
class  handler_eventargs
struct  base_event
class  event_system
class  basic_event_group
 Wrapper class around FreeRTOS's implementation of a event_group. More...
class  basic_fbit
class  fast_type
class  small_task
class  small_task< R(Args...), sz, algn >
struct  tag
struct  conditional
struct  conditional< false, T, F >
struct  bit_or
struct  bit_or<>
struct  bit_or< A >
struct  bit_or< A, B >
struct  bit_or< A, B, C, N... >
struct  remove_reference
struct  remove_reference< T & >
struct  remove_const
struct  remove_const< T const >
struct  remove_volatile
struct  remove_volatile< T volatile >
struct  remove_cv
struct  remove_cvref
struct  add_const
struct  add_volatile
struct  add_cv
struct  add_reference
struct  add_pointer
struct  add_lvalue_reference
struct  add_rvalue_reference
struct  decay3
struct  decay3< R(Args...)>
struct  decay2
struct  decay2< T[N]>
struct  decay
struct  is_convertible
struct  is_convertible< void, void >
struct  enable_if
struct  enable_if< true, T >
struct  is_same
struct  is_same< A, A >
struct  is_base_of
struct  logic_and
struct  logic_or
struct  logic_not
struct  sqrt
struct  factorial
 Calculates the Nth factorial value. More...
struct  factorial< 0 >
 Calculates the 0 factorial value. More...
struct  fibonacci
 Calculates the Nth Fibonacci value. More...
struct  fibonacci< 0 >
 Calculates the 0 Fibonacci value. More...
struct  fibonacci< 1 >
 Calculates the 1 Fibonacci value. More...
struct  hash
 Default implementation of hasher. More...
struct  hash< T * >
struct  hash< char * >
struct  hash< const char * >
struct  hash< int8_t >
struct  hash< uint8_t >
struct  hash< int16_t >
struct  hash< uint16_t >
struct  hash< int32_t >
struct  hash< uint32_t >
struct  hash< int64_t >
struct  hash< uint64_t >
struct  hash_function
struct  hash_function< const char * >
class  basic_initializer_list
struct  input_iterator_tag
struct  output_iterator_tag
struct  forward_iterator_tag
struct  bidirectional_iterator_tag
struct  random_access_iterator_tag
struct  iterator_traits
struct  iterator_traits< T * >
class  reverse_iterator
class  insert_iterator
class  back_insert_iterator
class  front_insert_iterator
class  move_iterator
class  basic_iterator_pair
class  basic_iterator_triple
class  ITimer
class  numeric_limits
class  numeric_limits< const T >
class  numeric_limits< volatile T >
class  numeric_limits< const volatile T >
class  numeric_limits< bool >
 Spezial version for bool. More...
class  numeric_limits< char >
 Spezial version for char. More...
class  numeric_limits< unsigned char >
 Spezial version for uchar. More...
class  numeric_limits< signed char >
 Spezial version for uchar. More...
class  numeric_limits< short >
 Spezial version for short. More...
class  numeric_limits< unsigned short >
 Spezial version for unsigned short. More...
class  numeric_limits< int >
 Spezial version for int. More...
class  numeric_limits< unsigned int >
 Spezial version for unsigned int. More...
class  numeric_limits< long >
 Spezial version for long. More...
class  numeric_limits< unsigned long >
 Spezial version for unsigned long. More...
class  numeric_limits< long long >
 Spezial version for long long. More...
class  numeric_limits< unsigned long long >
 Spezial version for unsigned long long. More...
class  numeric_limits< float >
 Spezial version for float. More...
class  numeric_limits< double >
 Spezial version for double. More...
class  numeric_limits< long double >
 Spezial version for long double. More...
class  ILockObject
class  basic_autolock
class  basic_autounlock
class  basic_mutex
class  basic_null_lock
 Null Lock is a lock object without any lock logic. More...
struct  nullopt_t
class  basic_optional
class  basic_hardware_pin
class  basic_esp32_hardware_digital_pin
class  basic_safe_counter
 safe counter is a base of thread saftly counter More...
class  basic_schedular
class  basic_shared_object
class  basic_singleton
class  basic_task
 Wrapper class around FreeRTOS's implementation of a task. More...
class  basic_task_list
class  task_utils
class  basic_tasklet
class  basic_thread
class  base_tickhook_entry
class  basic_timed_lock
class  basic_timer
class  basic_timespan
 This class represents a time span (using microseconds) More...
class  basic_timestamp
 A Timestamp stores a monotonic* time value with microseconds resolution. More...
struct  type_traits
struct  type_traits< T & >
struct  type_traits< const T >
struct  type_traits< const T & >
struct  type_traits< volatile T & >
struct  type_traits< const volatile T & >
struct  type_traits< T * >
struct  type_traits< T[N]>
struct  type_traits< const T[N]>
struct  integral_constant
struct  is_const
struct  is_const< T const >
struct  is_volatile
 is_volatile More...
struct  is_volatile< T volatile >
struct  is_empty
 is_empty More...
struct  is_enum
struct  is_union
struct  is_class
struct  is_function
struct  is_function< T(Args...)>
struct  is_function< T(Args...) & >
struct  is_function< T(Args...) && >
struct  is_function< T(Args......)>
struct  is_function< T(Args......) & >
struct  is_function< T(Args......) && >
struct  is_function< T(Args...) const >
struct  is_function< T(Args...) const & >
struct  is_function< T(Args...) const && >
struct  is_function< T(Args......) const >
struct  is_function< T(Args......) const & >
struct  is_function< T(Args......) const && >
struct  is_function< T(Args...) volatile >
struct  is_function< T(Args...) volatile & >
struct  is_function< T(Args...) volatile && >
struct  is_function< T(Args......) volatile >
struct  is_function< T(Args......) volatile & >
struct  is_function< T(Args......) volatile && >
struct  is_function< T(Args...) const volatile >
struct  is_function< T(Args...) const volatile & >
struct  is_function< T(Args...) const volatile && >
struct  is_function< T(Args......) const volatile >
struct  is_function< T(Args......) const volatile & >
struct  is_function< T(Args......) const volatile && >
struct  is_abstract
struct  is_polymorphic
struct  is_literal_type
struct  is_pod
struct  is_trivial
 is_trivial More...
struct  is_trivially_copyable
struct  is_standard_layout
 is_standard_layout More...
struct  is_bind_expression
struct  is_placeholder
struct  is_integral
struct  is_integral< const T >
struct  is_integral< volatile T >
struct  is_integral< const volatile T >
struct  is_rational
struct  is_rational< const T >
struct  is_rational< volatile T >
struct  is_rational< const volatile T >
struct  is_void
struct  is_void< const T >
struct  is_void< volatile T >
struct  is_void< const volatile T >
struct  is_floating_point
struct  is_floating_point< float >
struct  is_floating_point< double >
struct  is_floating_point< long double >
struct  is_floating_point< const T >
struct  is_floating_point< volatile T >
struct  is_floating_point< const volatile T >
struct  is_lvalue_reference
 is_lvalue_reference More...
struct  is_lvalue_reference< T & >
struct  is_rvalue_reference
 is_rvalue_reference More...
struct  is_rvalue_reference< T && >
struct  is_pointer
struct  is_pointer< T * >
struct  is_fundamental
struct  has_trivial_constructor
struct  has_trivial_copy
struct  has_trivial_assign
struct  has_trivial_destructor
struct  is_reference
struct  is_arithmetic
 is_arithmetic More...
struct  is_object
 is_object More...
struct  is_signed
 is_signed More...
struct  is_signed< char >
struct  is_signed< signed char >
struct  is_signed< short >
struct  is_signed< int >
struct  is_signed< long >
struct  is_signed< long long >
struct  is_signed< float >
struct  is_signed< double >
struct  is_signed< long double >
struct  is_signed< const T >
struct  is_signed< volatile T >
struct  is_signed< const volatile T >
struct  is_unsigned
 is_unsigned More...
struct  is_unsigned< bool >
struct  is_unsigned< char >
struct  is_unsigned< unsigned char >
struct  is_unsigned< unsigned short >
struct  is_unsigned< unsigned int >
struct  is_unsigned< unsigned long >
struct  is_unsigned< unsigned long long >
struct  is_unsigned< const T >
struct  is_unsigned< volatile T >
struct  is_unsigned< const volatile T >
struct  is_member_pointer
struct  is_compound
 is_compound More...
struct  basic_uint128_t
class  basic_void_type
 A dummy class with value-type semantics, mostly useful as a template argument. More...
struct  make_void
struct  hash< mn::pointer::value_ptr< T, D, C > >
struct  is_pod< internal::aligned1 >
struct  is_pod< internal::aligned2 >
struct  is_pod< internal::aligned4 >
struct  is_pod< internal::aligned8 >
struct  is_pod< internal::aligned16 >
struct  is_pod< internal::aligned32 >
struct  is_pod< internal::aligned64 >
struct  alignment_of
struct  alignment_of< void >
struct  alignment_of< void const >
struct  alignment_of< void const volatile >
struct  alignment_of< void volatile >
struct  long_double_alignment
struct  long_double_alignment< Target, false >
struct  double_alignment
struct  double_alignment< Target, false >
struct  long_long_alignment
struct  long_long_alignment< Target, false >
struct  long_alignment
struct  long_alignment< Target, false >
struct  int_alignment
struct  int_alignment< Target, false >
struct  short_alignment
struct  short_alignment< Target, false >
struct  char_alignment
struct  char_alignment< Target, false >
struct  aligned_as
class  compressed_pair
class  ebo_storage
class  ebo_storage< T, TAG, mn::enable_if_t< mn::is_class< T >::value > >
struct  int_to_type
struct  type_to_type
struct  select
struct  select< false, T, U >
class  basic_ramdom_xorshift
 Pseudro-Random Number Generator based on xor_shift128++ generator. More...
class  IPseudoRandomUtil
 An Intarface for all randoms classes in this library. More...
class  basic_random_lfsr
 Pseudro-Random Number Generator based on a 32-bit linear-feedback shift register.
struct  less
struct  greater
struct  equal_to
struct  not_equal_to
struct  greater_equal
struct  less_equal
struct  negate
struct  plus
struct  minus
struct  multiplies
struct  divides
struct  modulus
struct  inc
struct  dec
union  basic_fbit.__unnamed11__
union  fast_type.__unnamed13__
union  basic_uint128_t.__unnamed16__
struct  basic_uint128_t.__unnamed16__.__unnamed18__


template<typename T >
using atomic_ptr = _atomic_ptr< T * >
using atomic_bool = _atomic< bool >
using atomic_char = _atomic< char >
using atomic_schar = _atomic< signed char >
using atomic_short = _atomic< short >
using atomic_int = _atomic< int >
using atomic_long = _atomic< long >
using atomic_int_least8_t = _atomic< int_least8_t >
using atomic_int_least16_t = _atomic< int_least16_t >
using atomic_int_least32_t = _atomic< int_least32_t >
using atomic_int_least64_t = _atomic< int_least64_t >
using atomic_int_fast8_t = _atomic< int_fast8_t >
using atomic_int_fast16_t = _atomic< int_fast16_t >
using atomic_int_fast32_t = _atomic< int_fast32_t >
using atomic_int_fast64_t = _atomic< int_fast64_t >
using atomic_int8_t = _atomic< int8_t >
using atomic_int16_t = _atomic< int16_t >
using atomic_int32_t = _atomic< int32_t >
using atomic_int64_t = _atomic< int64_t >
using atomic_uchar = _atomic< unsigned char >
using atomic_ushort = _atomic< unsigned short >
using atomic_uint = _atomic< unsigned int >
using atomic_ulong = _atomic< unsigned long >
using atomic_uint_least8_t = _atomic< uint_least8_t >
using atomic_uint_least16_t = _atomic< uint_least16_t >
using atomic_uint_least32_t = _atomic< uint_least32_t >
using atomic_uint_least64_t = _atomic< uint_least64_t >
using atomic_uint_fast8_t = _atomic< uint_fast8_t >
using atomic_uint_fast16_t = _atomic< uint_fast16_t >
using atomic_uint_fast32_t = _atomic< uint_fast32_t >
using atomic_uint_fast64_t = _atomic< uint_fast64_t >
using atomic_uint8_t = _atomic< uint8_t >
using atomic_uint16_t = _atomic< uint16_t >
using atomic_uint32_t = _atomic< uint32_t >
using atomic_uint64_t = _atomic< uint64_t >
using atomic_intptr_t = _atomic< intptr_t >
using atomic_uintptr_t = _atomic< uintptr_t >
using atomic_size_t = _atomic< size_t >
using atomic_ptrdiff_t = _atomic< ptrdiff_t >
using atomic_intmax_t = _atomic< intmax_t >
using atomic_uintmax_t = _atomic< uintmax_t >
using atomic_char16_t = _atomic< char16_t >
using atomic_char32_t = _atomic< char32_t >
using atomic_wchar_t = _atomic< wchar_t >
using atomic_sig_t = _atomic< int >
using atomic_flag = basic_atomic_flag< bool >
template<typename T >
using atomic_singleton = basic_atomic_singleton< T >
using autocsemp_t = basic_autolock< counting_semaphore_t >
using autobinsemp_t = basic_autolock< binary_semaphore_t >
using automutx_t = basic_autolock< mutex_t >
using LockType_t = mn::binary_semaphore_t
using autolock_t = basic_autolock< LockType_t >
using autouncsemp_t = basic_autounlock< counting_semaphore_t >
using autounbinsemp_t = basic_autounlock< binary_semaphore_t >
using autounmutx_t = basic_autounlock< mutex_t >
using unlock_t = basic_autounlock< LockType_t >
using binary_semaphore_t = basic_binary_semaphore
using counting_semaphore_t = basic_counting_semaphore
using max_align_t = uintptr_t
using nullptr_t = decltype(nullptr)
using addrof_null_t = nullptr_t
using ptrdiff_t = long
using uptrdiff_t = unsigned long
using intmax_t = signed long
using uintmax_t = unsigned long
using event_group_t = basic_event_group
using fsize_t = fast_type< value2size< size_t >::size, size_t >
using ffloat_t = fast_type< value2size< float >::size, float >
using fdouble_t = fast_type< value2size< double >::size, double >
using fint8_t = fast_type< value2size< int8_t >::size, int8_t >
using fint16_t = fast_type< value2size< int16_t >::size, int16_t >
using fint32_t = fast_type< value2size< int32_t >::size, int32_t >
using fint64_t = fast_type< value2size< int64_t >::size, int64_t >
using fuint8_t = fast_type< value2size< uint8_t >::size, uint8_t >
using fuint16_t = fast_type< value2size< uint16_t >::size, uint16_t >
using fuint32_t = fast_type< value2size< uint32_t >::size, uint32_t >
using fuint64_t = fast_type< value2size< uint64_t >::size, uint64_t >
using fuint128_t = fast_type< value2size< uint128_t >::size, uint128_t >
using fint_least8_t = fast_type< value2size< int_least8_t >::size, int_least8_t >
using fint_least16_t = fast_type< value2size< int_least16_t >::size, int_least16_t >
using fint_least32_t = fast_type< value2size< int_least32_t >::size, int_least32_t >
using fint_least64_t = fast_type< value2size< int_least64_t >::size, int_least64_t >
using fuint_least8_t = fast_type< value2size< uint_least8_t >::size, uint_least8_t >
using fuint_least16_t = fast_type< value2size< uint_least16_t >::size, uint_least16_t >
using fuint_least32_t = fast_type< value2size< uint_least32_t >::size, uint_least32_t >
using fuint_least64_t = fast_type< value2size< uint_least64_t >::size, uint_least64_t >
using fuint_least128_t = fast_type< value2size< uint_least128_t >::size, uint_least128_t >
template<class Sig >
using function = small_task< Sig, sizeof(void *) *4, alignof(void *)>
template<typename Tag >
using type_t = typename Tag::type
template<typename T >
using remove_reference_t = type_t< remove_reference< T > >
template<typename T >
using decay_t = type_t< decay< T > >
template<template< typename... > typename Z, typename... Ts>
using can_apply = internal::can_apply< Z, void, Ts... >
template<bool b, class T = void>
using enable_if_t = type_t< enable_if< b, T > >
template<class Sig >
using res_of = internal::res_of< Sig >
template<class Sig >
using result_of = internal::res_of< Sig >
template<class Sig >
using res_of_t = type_t< res_of< Sig > >
template<class Sig >
using result_of_t = internal::res_of< Sig >
using result_type = mn::size_t
template<typename T >
using initializer_list = basic_initializer_list< T >
using mutex_t = basic_mutex
using null_lock = basic_null_lock
template<typename T >
using optional = basic_optional< T >
template<int TPin, bool TLevel = false, pin_direction TDirection = pin_direction::Output>
using esp32_digital_pin = basic_esp32_hardware_pin< TPin >
using safe_counter_t = basic_safe_counter< uint64_t, LockType_t >
 sot the default safe_counter, value type are uint64_t and as lock type use LockType_t More...
using schedular = basic_schedular
template<class TOBJECT >
using shared_object_t = basic_shared_object< TOBJECT >
using shared_int8_t = basic_shared_object< int8_t >
 A shared object value of int8_t. More...
using shared_int16_t = basic_shared_object< int16_t >
 A shared object value of int16_t. More...
using shared_int32_t = basic_shared_object< int32_t >
 A shared object value of int32_t. More...
using shared_int64_t = basic_shared_object< int64_t >
 A shared object value of int64_t. More...
using shared_uint8_t = basic_shared_object< uint8_t >
 A shared object value of uint8_t. More...
using shared_uint16_t = basic_shared_object< uint16_t >
 A shared object value of uint16_t. More...
using shared_uint32_t = basic_shared_object< uint32_t >
 A shared object value of uint32_t. More...
using shared_uint64_t = basic_shared_object< uint64_t >
 A shared object value of uint64_t. More...
using shared_fast_int8_t = basic_shared_object< int_fast8_t >
 A shared object value of int8_fast_t. More...
using shared_fast_int16_t = basic_shared_object< int_fast16_t >
 A shared object value of int16_fast_t. More...
using shared_fast_int32_t = basic_shared_object< int_fast32_t >
 A shared object value of int32_fast_t. More...
using shared_fast_int64_t = basic_shared_object< int_fast64_t >
 A shared object value of int64_fast_t. More...
using shared_fast_uint8_t = basic_shared_object< uint_fast8_t >
 A shared object value of uint8_fast_t. More...
using shared_fast_uint16_t = basic_shared_object< uint_fast16_t >
 A shared object value of uint16_fast_t. More...
using shared_fast_uint32_t = basic_shared_object< uint_fast32_t >
 A shared object value of uint32_fast_t. More...
using shared_fast_uint64_t = basic_shared_object< uint_fast64_t >
 A shared object value of uint64_fast_t. More...
using shared_least_int8_t = basic_shared_object< int_least8_t >
 A shared object value of int_least8_t. More...
using shared_least_int16_t = basic_shared_object< int_least16_t >
 A shared object value of int_least16_t. More...
using shared_least_int32_t = basic_shared_object< int_least32_t >
 A shared object value of int_least32_t. More...
using shared_least_int64_t = basic_shared_object< int_least64_t >
 A shared object value of int_least64_t. More...
using shared_least_uint8_t = basic_shared_object< uint_least8_t >
 A shared object value of uint_least8_t. More...
using shared_least_uint16_t = basic_shared_object< uint_least16_t >
 A shared object value of uint_least16_t. More...
using shared_least_uint32_t = basic_shared_object< uint_least32_t >
 A shared object value of uint_least32_t. More...
using shared_least_uint64_t = basic_shared_object< uint_least64_t >
 A shared object value of uint_least64_t. More...
using shared_float_t = basic_shared_object< float >
 A shared object value of float. More...
using shared_double_t = basic_shared_object< double >
 A shared object value of double. More...
using shared_bool_t = basic_shared_object< bool >
 A shared object value of bool. More...
using shared_void_t = basic_shared_object< void * >
 A shared object value of void*. More...
using shared_size_t = basic_shared_object< size_t >
 A shared object value of size_t. More...
using shared_char_t = basic_shared_object< char >
 A shared object value of char. More...
using shared_string_t = basic_shared_object< std::string >
 A shared object value of std::string. More...
using task_t = basic_task
 using the basic_task as task_t type More...
using task_list_t = basic_task_list
using task_utils_t = task_utils
using tasklet_t = basic_tasklet
using timed_mutex_t = basic_timed_lock< mutex_t >
using timed_binary_semaphore_t = basic_timed_lock< binary_semaphore_t >
using timed_counting_semaphore_t = basic_timed_lock< counting_semaphore_t >
using timer_t = basic_timer
using timespan_t = basic_timespan
using timestamp_t = basic_timestamp
using true_type = integral_constant< bool, true >
using false_type = integral_constant< bool, false >
using uint128_t = basic_uint128_t
using uint_least128_t = basic_uint128_t
template<class ... ts>
using void_t = typename make_void< ts ... >::type
using random_xorshift = basic_ramdom_xorshift
using random_lfsr = basic_random_lfsr
using default_random_engine = random_xorshift


enum class  memory_order : int {
  Relaxed = __ATOMIC_RELAXED , Consume = __ATOMIC_CONSUME , Acquire = __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE , Release = __ATOMIC_RELEASE ,
enum class  byte : unsigned char
enum class  float_round_style {
  indeterminate = -1 , toward_zero = 0 , to_nearest = 1 , toward_infinity = 2 ,
  toward_neg_infinity = 3
 Describes the rounding style for floating-point types. More...
enum class  float_denorm_style { indeterminate = -1 , absent = 0 , present = 1 }
 Describes the denormalization for floating-point types. More...
enum class  pin_direction { Disable = GPIO_MODE_DISABLE , Input = GPIO_MODE_INPUT , Output = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT , InOut = GPIO_MODE_INPUT_OUTPUT }


memory_order operator| (memory_order mMemOrder, modifier::memory_order mod)
memory_order operator& (memory_order mMemOrder, modifier::memory_order mod)
void panic ()
size_t popcount (uint32_t v)
void copy_construct (T *mem, const T &orig)
void copy_construct (T *mem, const T &&orig)
void construct (T *mem)
void destruct (T *mem)
void copy_n (const T *src, size_t n, T *dest)
 Copy N elements from src to dest. More...
void copy (const T *src, const T *last, T *dest)
void copy_construct_n (T *src, size_t n, T *dest)
void move_n (const T *from, size_t n, T *dest)
void move (const T *src, const T *last, T *dest)
template<typename T >
T * copy_backward (const T *first, const T *last, T *result) noexcept
TFn foreach (TIter src, TIter last, TFn fn)
void construct_n (T *src, size_t n)
void destruct_n (T *src, size_t n)
void fill (T *src, T *last, const T &val)
void fill_n (T *src, size_t n, const T &val)
constexpr TIter lower_bound (TIter first, TIter last, const TPred &value)
constexpr TIter lower_bound (TIter src, TIter last, const T &val, const TPred &pred)
constexpr TIter upper_bound (TIter first, TIter last, const TPred &value)
constexpr TIter upper_bound (TIter src, TIter last, const T &val, const TPred &pred)
template<typename TIter , typename TComp >
constexpr bool binary_search (TIter first, TIter last, const TComp &value)
TIter find (TIter src, TIter last, const T &val)
TIter find_if (TIter src, TIter last, const T &val, const TPred &pred)
void accumulate (TIter src, TIter last, T &dest)
abs (const T &t)
template<int >
int abs (const int &x)
template<short >
short abs (const short &x)
bool is_range (const T ch, const T min, const T max)
bool islower (char ch)
bool isupper (char ch)
bool isalpha (char ch)
bool isdigit (char ch)
bool iscntrl (char ch)
bool isspace (char ch)
bool isblank (char ch)
bool isgraph (char ch)
bool isprint (char ch)
bool isxdigit (char ch)
bool isalnum (char ch)
char hex2char (char ch)
max (const T x, const T y)
min (const T x, const T y)
void swap (TAssignable &a, TAssignable &b)
void swap (TAssignable(&x)[N], TAssignable(&y)[N])
void iter_swap (fIt1 a, fIt2 b)
fIt2 swap_ranges (fIt1 a, fIt1 b, fIt2 c)
template<typename TRandomAccessIterator , typename TRandFunc >
void random_shuffle (TRandomAccessIterator first, TRandomAccessIterator last, const TRandFunc &func)
template<class TLOCK = LockType_t>
int lock (TLOCK &m1, unsigned int timeout)
template<class TLOCK = LockType_t>
int unlock (TLOCK &m1)
template<class TLOCK = LockType_t>
bool try_lock (TLOCK &m1)
template<typename IntegerType , class = typename mn::enable_if<mn::is_integral<IntegerType>::value>::type>
IntegerType to_integer (byte b)
template<class IntegerType , class = typename mn::enable_if<mn::is_integral<IntegerType>::value>::type>
constexpr byte to_byte (IntegerType v) noexcept
constexpr unsigned char to_uchar (byte b) noexcept
constexpr unsigned char to_uchar (int i) noexcept
template<typename IntegerType >
byteoperator<<= (byte &b, IntegerType shift) noexcept
template<typename IntegerType >
byteoperator>>= (byte &b, IntegerType shift) noexcept
template<typename IntegerType >
constexpr byte operator<< (byte &b, IntegerType shift) noexcept
template<typename IntegerType >
constexpr byte operator>> (byte &b, IntegerType shift) noexcept
constexpr bool operator== (const byte l, const byte r) noexcept
constexpr bool operator!= (const byte l, const byte r) noexcept
constexpr bool operator< (const byte l, const byte r) noexcept
constexpr bool operator<= (const byte l, const byte r) noexcept
constexpr bool operator> (const byte l, const byte r) noexcept
constexpr bool operator>= (const byte l, const byte r) noexcept
byte operator|= (byte &lhr, const byte rhr) noexcept
byte operator&= (byte &lhr, const byte rhr) noexcept
byte operator^= (byte &lhr, const byte rhr) noexcept
constexpr byte operator| (const byte &lhr, const byte &rhr) noexcept
constexpr byte operator^ (const byte &lhr, const byte &rhr) noexcept
constexpr byte operator& (const byte &lhr, const byte &rhr) noexcept
constexpr byte operator~ (byte b) noexcept
template<class R , class... Args, size_t sz, size_t algn>
bool operator== (const small_task< R(Args...), sz, algn > &__f, nullptr_t)
template<class R , class... Args, size_t sz, size_t algn>
bool operator== (nullptr_t, const small_task< R(Args...), sz, algn > &__f)
template<class R , class... Args, size_t sz, size_t algn>
bool operator!= (const small_task< R(Args...), sz, algn > &__f, nullptr_t)
template<class R , class... Args, size_t sz, size_t algn>
bool operator!= (nullptr_t, const small_task< R(Args...), sz, algn > &__f)
template<typename T >
T && move (T &t)
template<typename T >
T && forward (remove_reference_t< T > &t)
template<typename T >
T && forward (remove_reference_t< T > &&t)
template<typename T >
declval ()
template<typename T >
result_type extract_int_key_value (const T &t)
 Default implementations, just casts to hash_value. More...
template<typename TIter >
constexpr iterator_traits< TIter >::difference_type distance (TIter first, TIter last)
template<typename TIter , typename TDistance = typename iterator_traits<TIter>::difference_type>
constexpr void advance (TIter &iter, TDistance d)
template<typename TForwardIter , typename TDistance = typename iterator_traits<TForwardIter>::difference_type>
TForwardIter next (TForwardIter x, TDistance n=1)
template<typename TBidirectionalIter , typename TDistance = typename iterator_traits<TBidirectionalIter>::difference_type>
TBidirectionalIter prev (TBidirectionalIter x, TDistance n=1)
template<typename TIterator >
constexpr reverse_iterator< TIterator > make_reverse_iterator (TIterator itr)
template<typename TCon >
constexpr insert_iterator< TCon > inserter (TCon &ctr, typename TCon::iterator itr)
template<class TCon >
constexpr back_insert_iterator< TCon > back_inserter (TCon &ctr)
template<class TCon >
constexpr front_insert_iterator< TCon > front_inserter (TCon &ctr)
template<class TCon >
constexpr TCon::iterator remove_const_it (typename TCon::const_iterator itr, TCon &)
template<typename TIterator >
constexpr move_iterator< TIterator > make_move_iterator (TIterator itr)
unsigned long micros ()
unsigned long millis ()
unsigned int get_ticks ()
unsigned int ticks_to_ms (unsigned int ticks) MN_DEPRECATED
unsigned int ms_to_ticks (unsigned int ms) MN_DEPRECATED
unsigned int seconds_to_ticks (unsigned int ms) MN_DEPRECATED
unsigned int time_to_ms (const struct timeval *time) MN_DEPRECATED
unsigned int time_to_ticks (const struct timeval *time) MN_DEPRECATED
static struct timeval operator- (const struct timeval &lhs, const struct timeval &rhs)
static struct timeval operator+ (const struct timeval &lhs, const struct timeval &rhs)
template<typename T >
void swap (basic_optional< T > &a, basic_optional< T > &b)
template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool operator== (const basic_optional< T > &x, const basic_optional< U > &y)
template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool operator!= (const basic_optional< T > &x, const basic_optional< U > &y)
template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool operator< (const basic_optional< T > &x, const basic_optional< U > &y)
template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool operator> (const basic_optional< T > &x, const basic_optional< U > &y)
template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool operator<= (const basic_optional< T > &x, const basic_optional< U > &y)
template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool operator>= (const basic_optional< T > &x, const basic_optional< U > &y)
template<typename T >
constexpr bool operator== (const basic_optional< T > &x, nullopt_t) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr bool operator== (nullopt_t, const basic_optional< T > &x) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr bool operator!= (const basic_optional< T > &x, nullopt_t) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr bool operator!= (nullopt_t, const basic_optional< T > &x) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr bool operator< (const basic_optional< T > &, nullopt_t) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr bool operator< (nullopt_t, const basic_optional< T > &x) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr bool operator<= (const basic_optional< T > &x, nullopt_t) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr bool operator<= (nullopt_t, const basic_optional< T > &) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr bool operator> (const basic_optional< T > &x, nullopt_t) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr bool operator> (nullopt_t, const basic_optional< T > &) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr bool operator>= (const basic_optional< T > &, nullopt_t) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr bool operator>= (nullopt_t, const basic_optional< T > &x) noexcept
template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool operator== (const basic_optional< T > &x, const U &v)
template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool operator== (const U &v, const basic_optional< T > &x)
template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool operator!= (const basic_optional< T > &x, const U &v)
template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool operator!= (const U &v, const basic_optional< T > &x)
template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool operator< (const basic_optional< T > &x, const U &v)
template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool operator< (const U &v, const basic_optional< T > &x)
template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool operator<= (const basic_optional< T > &x, const U &v)
template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool operator<= (const U &v, const basic_optional< T > &x)
template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool operator> (const basic_optional< T > &x, const U &v)
template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool operator> (const U &v, const basic_optional< T > &x)
template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool operator>= (const basic_optional< T > &x, const U &v)
template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool operator>= (const U &v, const basic_optional< T > &x)
template<typename T >
constexpr basic_optional< typename mn::decay< T >::type > make_optional (T &&value)
template<typename T , typename... Args>
constexpr basic_optional< T > make_optional (Args &&... args)
void delay (const timespan_t &ts)
unsigned int delay_until (timespan_t &tsPreviousWakeTime, const unsigned int &uiTimeIncrement)
 Delay a task until a specified time. More...
void ndelay (const timespan_t &req, timespan_t *rem)
void swap (timespan_t &s1, timespan_t &s2)
void swap (basic_timestamp a, basic_timestamp b)
const char * minilib_version_string (char version_string[MN_THREAD_VERSION_STRING_LEN])
void minilib_version_print (const char *strPrjName, const char *strExtraInfo="")
template<class T >
constexpr T * addressof (T &o) noexcept
template<class T >
const T * addressof (const T &&)=delete
template<class integral >
constexpr bool is_aligned (integral x, size_t a) noexcept
bool is_aligned (const volatile void *p, size_t a)
template<class integral >
constexpr integral align_up (integral x, size_t a) noexcept
template<class pointer >
pointer align_up_ptr (pointer p, size_t a)
template<class integral >
constexpr integral align_down (integral x, size_t a) noexcept
template<class pointer >
pointer align_down_ptr (pointer p, size_t a)
constexpr bool is_aligvalid (size_t alignment) noexcept
 is a valid alignment, i.e. a power of two not zero More...
size_t alig_offset (void *address, size_t alignment) noexcept
size_t alignment_for (const size_t size) noexcept
size_t nlz_base (uint64_t x)
size_t nlz (uint64_t x)
void insertion_sort (T *begin, T *end, TPredicate pred)
void insertion_sort (T *begin, T *end)
void shell_sort (T *begin, T *end, TPredicate pred)
void shell_sort (T *begin, T *end)
void quick_sort (T *begin, T *end, TPredicate pred)
void quick_sort (T *begin, T *end)
void heap_sort (T *begin, T *end, TPredicate pred)
void heap_sort (T *begin, T *end)
bool is_sorted (TIter begin, TIter end, TPredicate pred)
void sort (T *begin, T *end, TPredicate pred)
void sort (T *begin, T *end)
nexthigher (T k) noexcept
template<typename T , typename R >
_reinterpret_cast (T *p)
template<typename T , typename R >
const R _const_reinterpret_cast (const T *p)


const size_t default_alignment = alignof(void*)
constexpr size_t max_alignment = alignof(max_align_t)

Detailed Description

This file is part of the Mini Thread Library ( ). Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Amber-Sophia Schroeck

The Mini Thread Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, version 3, or (at your option) any later version.

The Mini Thread Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Mini Thread Library; if not, see

This file is part of the Mini Thread Library ( ). Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Amber-Sophia Schroeck

The Mini Thread Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3, or (at your option) any later version.

The Mini Thread Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Mini Thread Library; if not, see

This file is part of the Mini Thread Library ( ). Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Amber-Sophia Schroeck

The Mini Thread Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, version 3, or (at your option) any later version.

The Mini Thread Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Mini Thread Library; if not, see

Condition variables are an additon to the mini Thread classes. If you want to include them, you need to define the following in your config file with MN_THREAD_CONFIG_YES

This file is part of the Mini Thread Library ( ). Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Amber-Sophia Schroeck

The Mini Thread Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3, or (at your option) any later version.

The Mini Thread Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Mini Thread Library; if not, see -

Amber-Sophia Schröck

This file is part of the Mini Thread Library ( ). Copyright (c) 2021 Amber-Sophia Schroeck

The Mini Thread Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3, or (at your option) any later version.

The Mini Thread Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Mini Thread Library; if not, see

Class Documentation

◆ mn::null_type

class mn::null_type

◆ mn::small_task

class mn::small_task

template<class Sig, size_t sz, size_t algn>
class mn::small_task< Sig, sz, algn >

◆ mn::conditional

struct mn::conditional

template<bool B, typename T, typename F>
struct mn::conditional< B, T, F >

Class Members
typedef T type

◆ mn::conditional< false, T, F >

struct mn::conditional< false, T, F >

template<typename T, typename F>
struct mn::conditional< false, T, F >

Class Members
typedef F type

◆ mn::bit_or

struct mn::bit_or

struct mn::bit_or<... >

◆ mn::add_cv

struct mn::add_cv

template<class T>
struct mn::add_cv< T >

Class Members
typedef const volatile typename remove_reference< T >::type type

◆ mn::add_reference

struct mn::add_reference

template<typename T>
struct mn::add_reference< T >

Class Members
typedef typename remove_reference< T >::type & type

◆ mn::add_pointer

struct mn::add_pointer

template<class T>
struct mn::add_pointer< T >

Class Members
typedef typename remove_reference< T >::type * type

◆ mn::enable_if

struct mn::enable_if

template<bool, class = void>
struct mn::enable_if< bool, class >

◆ mn::output_iterator_tag

struct mn::output_iterator_tag

◆ mn::iterator_traits

struct mn::iterator_traits

template<typename IterT>
struct mn::iterator_traits< IterT >

Class Members
typedef typename difference_type difference_type
typedef typename iterator_category iterator_category
typedef typename pointer pointer
typedef typename reference reference
typedef typename value_type value_type

◆ mn::iterator_traits< T * >

struct mn::iterator_traits< T * >

template<typename T>
struct mn::iterator_traits< T * >

Class Members
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type
typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category
typedef value_type * pointer
typedef value_type & reference
typedef T value_type

◆ mn::nullopt_t

struct mn::nullopt_t

◆ mn::type_traits

struct mn::type_traits

template<typename T>
struct mn::type_traits< T >

Class Members
typedef const T * const_pointer
typedef const T & const_reference
typedef const T const_type
typedef T * pointer
typedef T & reference
typedef T value_type

◆ mn::type_traits< T & >

struct mn::type_traits< T & >

template<typename T>
struct mn::type_traits< T & >

Class Members
typedef const T * const_pointer
typedef const T & const_reference
typedef const T const_type
typedef T * pointer
typedef T & reference
typedef T value_type

◆ mn::type_traits< const T >

struct mn::type_traits< const T >

template<typename T>
struct mn::type_traits< const T >

Class Members
typedef const T * const_pointer
typedef const T & const_reference
typedef const T const_type
typedef T * pointer
typedef T & reference
typedef T value_type

◆ mn::type_traits< const T & >

struct mn::type_traits< const T & >

template<typename T>
struct mn::type_traits< const T & >

Class Members
typedef const T * const_pointer
typedef const T & const_reference
typedef const T const_type
typedef T * pointer
typedef T & reference
typedef T value_type

◆ mn::type_traits< volatile T & >

struct mn::type_traits< volatile T & >

template<typename T>
struct mn::type_traits< volatile T & >

Class Members
typedef const T * const_pointer
typedef const T & const_reference
typedef const T const_type
typedef T * pointer
typedef T & reference
typedef T value_type

◆ mn::type_traits< const volatile T & >

struct mn::type_traits< const volatile T & >

template<typename T>
struct mn::type_traits< const volatile T & >

Class Members
typedef const T * const_pointer
typedef const T & const_reference
typedef const T const_type
typedef T * pointer
typedef T & reference
typedef T value_type

◆ mn::type_traits< T * >

struct mn::type_traits< T * >

template<typename T>
struct mn::type_traits< T * >

Class Members
typedef const T * const_pointer
typedef const T *& const_reference
typedef const T * const_type
typedef T * pointer
typedef T *& reference
typedef T * value_type

◆ mn::is_member_pointer

struct mn::is_member_pointer

struct mn::is_member_pointer< typename >

◆ mn::basic_uint128_t

struct mn::basic_uint128_t
Class Members
union basic_uint128_t __unnamed__

◆ mn::make_void

struct mn::make_void

template<class ... ts>
struct mn::make_void< ts >

Class Members
typedef basic_void_type type

◆ mn::long_double_alignment

struct mn::long_double_alignment

template<size_t Target, bool check>
struct mn::long_double_alignment< Target, check >

Class Members
typedef long double type

◆ mn::long_double_alignment< Target, false >

struct mn::long_double_alignment< Target, false >

template<size_t Target>
struct mn::long_double_alignment< Target, false >

Class Members
typedef max_align type

◆ mn::double_alignment

struct mn::double_alignment

template<size_t Target, bool check>
struct mn::double_alignment< Target, check >

Class Members
typedef double type

◆ mn::double_alignment< Target, false >

struct mn::double_alignment< Target, false >

template<size_t Target>
struct mn::double_alignment< Target, false >

Class Members
typedef typename long_double_alignment< Target, alignment_of< long double >::res >=Target >::type type

◆ mn::long_long_alignment

struct mn::long_long_alignment

template<size_t Target, bool check>
struct mn::long_long_alignment< Target, check >

Class Members
typedef long long type

◆ mn::long_long_alignment< Target, false >

struct mn::long_long_alignment< Target, false >

template<size_t Target>
struct mn::long_long_alignment< Target, false >

Class Members
typedef typename double_alignment< Target, alignment_of< double >::res >=Target >::type type

◆ mn::long_alignment

struct mn::long_alignment

template<size_t Target, bool check>
struct mn::long_alignment< Target, check >

Class Members
typedef long type

◆ mn::long_alignment< Target, false >

struct mn::long_alignment< Target, false >

template<size_t Target>
struct mn::long_alignment< Target, false >

Class Members
typedef typename long_long_alignment< Target, alignment_of< long long >::res >=Target >::type type

◆ mn::int_alignment

struct mn::int_alignment

template<size_t Target, bool check>
struct mn::int_alignment< Target, check >

Class Members
typedef int type

◆ mn::int_alignment< Target, false >

struct mn::int_alignment< Target, false >

template<size_t Target>
struct mn::int_alignment< Target, false >

Class Members
typedef typename long_alignment< Target, alignment_of< long >::res >=Target >::type type

◆ mn::short_alignment

struct mn::short_alignment

template<size_t Target, bool check>
struct mn::short_alignment< Target, check >

Class Members
typedef short type

◆ mn::short_alignment< Target, false >

struct mn::short_alignment< Target, false >

template<size_t Target>
struct mn::short_alignment< Target, false >

Class Members
typedef typename int_alignment< Target, alignment_of< int >::res >=Target >::type type

◆ mn::char_alignment

struct mn::char_alignment

template<size_t Target, bool check>
struct mn::char_alignment< Target, check >

Class Members
typedef char type

◆ mn::char_alignment< Target, false >

struct mn::char_alignment< Target, false >

template<size_t Target>
struct mn::char_alignment< Target, false >

Class Members
typedef typename short_alignment< Target, alignment_of< short >::res >=Target >::type type

◆ mn::aligned_as

struct mn::aligned_as

template<typename T>
struct mn::aligned_as< T >

Class Members
typedef typename type_with_alignment< alignment_of< T >::res > res

◆ mn::type_to_type

struct mn::type_to_type

template<typename T>
struct mn::type_to_type< T >

Class Members
typedef T orig_type

◆ mn::select

struct mn::select

template<bool flag, typename T, typename U>
struct mn::select< flag, T, U >

Class Members
typedef T result

◆ mn::select< false, T, U >

struct mn::select< false, T, U >

template<typename T, typename U>
struct mn::select< false, T, U >

Class Members
typedef U result

◆ mn::basic_fbit.__unnamed11__

union mn::basic_fbit.__unnamed11__

The fast bit

Class Members
unsigned char bit: 1

◆ mn::fast_type.__unnamed13__

union mn::fast_type.__unnamed13__

The new type

Class Members
bit_type bits[Bits]

the value as bits

value_type Value

The real value

◆ mn::basic_uint128_t.__unnamed16__

union mn::basic_uint128_t.__unnamed16__
Class Members
__unnamed16__ __unnamed__
uint64_t value[2]

◆ mn::basic_uint128_t.__unnamed16__.__unnamed18__

struct mn::basic_uint128_t.__unnamed16__.__unnamed18__
Class Members
uint64_t high
uint64_t low

Typedef Documentation

◆ addrof_null_t

using mn::addrof_null_t = typedef nullptr_t

◆ atomic_bool

using mn::atomic_bool = typedef _atomic<bool>

◆ atomic_char

using mn::atomic_char = typedef _atomic<char>

◆ atomic_char16_t

using mn::atomic_char16_t = typedef _atomic<char16_t>

◆ atomic_char32_t

using mn::atomic_char32_t = typedef _atomic<char32_t>

◆ atomic_flag

using mn::atomic_flag = typedef basic_atomic_flag<bool>

◆ atomic_int

using mn::atomic_int = typedef _atomic<int>

◆ atomic_int16_t

using mn::atomic_int16_t = typedef _atomic<int16_t>

◆ atomic_int32_t

using mn::atomic_int32_t = typedef _atomic<int32_t>

◆ atomic_int64_t

using mn::atomic_int64_t = typedef _atomic<int64_t>

◆ atomic_int8_t

using mn::atomic_int8_t = typedef _atomic<int8_t>

◆ atomic_int_fast16_t

using mn::atomic_int_fast16_t = typedef _atomic<int_fast16_t>

◆ atomic_int_fast32_t

using mn::atomic_int_fast32_t = typedef _atomic<int_fast32_t>

◆ atomic_int_fast64_t

using mn::atomic_int_fast64_t = typedef _atomic<int_fast64_t>

◆ atomic_int_fast8_t

using mn::atomic_int_fast8_t = typedef _atomic<int_fast8_t>

◆ atomic_int_least16_t

using mn::atomic_int_least16_t = typedef _atomic<int_least16_t>

◆ atomic_int_least32_t

using mn::atomic_int_least32_t = typedef _atomic<int_least32_t>

◆ atomic_int_least64_t

using mn::atomic_int_least64_t = typedef _atomic<int_least64_t>

◆ atomic_int_least8_t

using mn::atomic_int_least8_t = typedef _atomic<int_least8_t>

◆ atomic_intmax_t

◆ atomic_intptr_t

using mn::atomic_intptr_t = typedef _atomic<intptr_t>

◆ atomic_long

using mn::atomic_long = typedef _atomic<long>

◆ atomic_ptr

template<typename T >
using mn::atomic_ptr = typedef _atomic_ptr<T*>

◆ atomic_ptrdiff_t

◆ atomic_schar

using mn::atomic_schar = typedef _atomic<signed char>

◆ atomic_short

using mn::atomic_short = typedef _atomic<short>

◆ atomic_sig_t

using mn::atomic_sig_t = typedef _atomic<int>

◆ atomic_singleton

template<typename T >
using mn::atomic_singleton = typedef basic_atomic_singleton<T>

◆ atomic_size_t

using mn::atomic_size_t = typedef _atomic<size_t>

◆ atomic_uchar

using mn::atomic_uchar = typedef _atomic<unsigned char>

◆ atomic_uint

using mn::atomic_uint = typedef _atomic<unsigned int>

◆ atomic_uint16_t

using mn::atomic_uint16_t = typedef _atomic<uint16_t>

◆ atomic_uint32_t

using mn::atomic_uint32_t = typedef _atomic<uint32_t>

◆ atomic_uint64_t

using mn::atomic_uint64_t = typedef _atomic<uint64_t>

◆ atomic_uint8_t

using mn::atomic_uint8_t = typedef _atomic<uint8_t>

◆ atomic_uint_fast16_t

using mn::atomic_uint_fast16_t = typedef _atomic<uint_fast16_t>

◆ atomic_uint_fast32_t

using mn::atomic_uint_fast32_t = typedef _atomic<uint_fast32_t>

◆ atomic_uint_fast64_t

using mn::atomic_uint_fast64_t = typedef _atomic<uint_fast64_t>

◆ atomic_uint_fast8_t

using mn::atomic_uint_fast8_t = typedef _atomic<uint_fast8_t>

◆ atomic_uint_least16_t

using mn::atomic_uint_least16_t = typedef _atomic<uint_least16_t>

◆ atomic_uint_least32_t

using mn::atomic_uint_least32_t = typedef _atomic<uint_least32_t>

◆ atomic_uint_least64_t

using mn::atomic_uint_least64_t = typedef _atomic<uint_least64_t>

◆ atomic_uint_least8_t

using mn::atomic_uint_least8_t = typedef _atomic<uint_least8_t>

◆ atomic_uintmax_t

◆ atomic_uintptr_t

using mn::atomic_uintptr_t = typedef _atomic<uintptr_t>

◆ atomic_ulong

using mn::atomic_ulong = typedef _atomic<unsigned long>

◆ atomic_ushort

using mn::atomic_ushort = typedef _atomic<unsigned short>

◆ atomic_wchar_t

using mn::atomic_wchar_t = typedef _atomic<wchar_t>

◆ autobinsemp_t

A autolock type for binary_semaphore_t objects

◆ autocsemp_t

A autolock type for counting_semaphore_t objects

◆ autolock_t

◆ automutx_t

A autolock type for mutex_t objects

◆ autounbinsemp_t

A auto unlock type for binary_semaphore_t objects

◆ autouncsemp_t

A auto unlock type for counting_semaphore_t objects

◆ autounmutx_t

A auto unlock type for mutex_t objects

◆ binary_semaphore_t

◆ can_apply

template<template< typename... > typename Z, typename... Ts>
using mn::can_apply = typedef internal::can_apply<Z, void, Ts...>

◆ counting_semaphore_t

◆ decay_t

template<typename T >
using mn::decay_t = typedef type_t<decay<T> >

◆ default_random_engine

◆ enable_if_t

template<bool b, class T = void>
using mn::enable_if_t = typedef type_t<enable_if<b, T> >

◆ esp32_digital_pin

template<int TPin, bool TLevel = false, pin_direction TDirection = pin_direction::Output>
using mn::esp32_digital_pin = typedef basic_esp32_hardware_pin<TPin>

◆ event_group_t

◆ false_type

using mn::false_type = typedef integral_constant<bool, false>

◆ fdouble_t

using mn::fdouble_t = typedef fast_type<value2size<double>::size, double>

◆ ffloat_t

using mn::ffloat_t = typedef fast_type<value2size<float>::size, float>

◆ fint16_t

using mn::fint16_t = typedef fast_type<value2size<int16_t>::size, int16_t>

◆ fint32_t

using mn::fint32_t = typedef fast_type<value2size<int32_t>::size, int32_t>

◆ fint64_t

using mn::fint64_t = typedef fast_type<value2size<int64_t>::size, int64_t>

◆ fint8_t

using mn::fint8_t = typedef fast_type<value2size<int8_t>::size, int8_t>

◆ fint_least16_t

using mn::fint_least16_t = typedef fast_type<value2size<int_least16_t>::size, int_least16_t>

◆ fint_least32_t

using mn::fint_least32_t = typedef fast_type<value2size<int_least32_t>::size, int_least32_t>

◆ fint_least64_t

using mn::fint_least64_t = typedef fast_type<value2size<int_least64_t>::size, int_least64_t>

◆ fint_least8_t

using mn::fint_least8_t = typedef fast_type<value2size<int_least8_t>::size, int_least8_t>

◆ fsize_t

using mn::fsize_t = typedef fast_type<value2size<size_t>::size, size_t>

◆ fuint128_t

◆ fuint16_t

using mn::fuint16_t = typedef fast_type<value2size<uint16_t>::size, uint16_t>

◆ fuint32_t

using mn::fuint32_t = typedef fast_type<value2size<uint32_t>::size, uint32_t>

◆ fuint64_t

using mn::fuint64_t = typedef fast_type<value2size<uint64_t>::size, uint64_t>

◆ fuint8_t

using mn::fuint8_t = typedef fast_type<value2size<uint8_t>::size, uint8_t>

◆ fuint_least128_t

◆ fuint_least16_t

using mn::fuint_least16_t = typedef fast_type<value2size<uint_least16_t>::size, uint_least16_t>

◆ fuint_least32_t

using mn::fuint_least32_t = typedef fast_type<value2size<uint_least32_t>::size, uint_least32_t>

◆ fuint_least64_t

using mn::fuint_least64_t = typedef fast_type<value2size<uint_least64_t>::size, uint_least64_t>

◆ fuint_least8_t

using mn::fuint_least8_t = typedef fast_type<value2size<uint_least8_t>::size, uint_least8_t>

◆ function

template<class Sig >
using mn::function = typedef small_task<Sig, sizeof(void *) * 4, alignof(void *)>

◆ initializer_list

template<typename T >
using mn::initializer_list = typedef basic_initializer_list<T>

◆ intmax_t

using mn::intmax_t = typedef signed long

◆ LockType_t

◆ max_align_t

using mn::max_align_t = typedef uintptr_t

◆ mutex_t

using mn::mutex_t = typedef basic_mutex

◆ null_lock

using mn::null_lock = typedef basic_null_lock

◆ nullptr_t

using mn::nullptr_t = typedef decltype(nullptr)

◆ optional

template<typename T >
using mn::optional = typedef basic_optional<T>

◆ ptrdiff_t

using mn::ptrdiff_t = typedef long

◆ random_lfsr

◆ random_xorshift

◆ remove_reference_t

template<typename T >
using mn::remove_reference_t = typedef type_t<remove_reference<T> >

◆ res_of

template<class Sig >
using mn::res_of = typedef internal::res_of<Sig>

◆ res_of_t

template<class Sig >
using mn::res_of_t = typedef type_t<res_of<Sig> >

◆ result_of

template<class Sig >
using mn::result_of = typedef internal::res_of<Sig>

◆ result_of_t

template<class Sig >
using mn::result_of_t = typedef internal::res_of<Sig>

◆ result_type

using mn::result_type = typedef mn::size_t

◆ safe_counter_t

using mn::safe_counter_t = typedef basic_safe_counter<uint64_t, LockType_t>

sot the default safe_counter, value type are uint64_t and as lock type use LockType_t

See also
safe_counter_t counter(1);
// this while parallel use
while(it != list.end()) {
std::cout << "In list are: " << counter.count() << " elements";
basic_list< T, TAllocator, TDeleter > list
List type witch allocated in global heap.
Definition: mn_list.hpp:259
basic_safe_counter< uint64_t, LockType_t > safe_counter_t
sot the default safe_counter, value type are uint64_t and as lock type use LockType_t
Definition: mn_safecounter.hpp:98

◆ schedular

using mn::schedular = typedef basic_schedular

◆ shared_bool_t

using mn::shared_bool_t = typedef basic_shared_object<bool>

A shared object value of bool.

◆ shared_char_t

using mn::shared_char_t = typedef basic_shared_object<char>

A shared object value of char.

◆ shared_double_t

using mn::shared_double_t = typedef basic_shared_object<double>

A shared object value of double.

◆ shared_fast_int16_t

using mn::shared_fast_int16_t = typedef basic_shared_object<int_fast16_t>

A shared object value of int16_fast_t.

◆ shared_fast_int32_t

using mn::shared_fast_int32_t = typedef basic_shared_object<int_fast32_t>

A shared object value of int32_fast_t.

◆ shared_fast_int64_t

using mn::shared_fast_int64_t = typedef basic_shared_object<int_fast64_t>

A shared object value of int64_fast_t.

◆ shared_fast_int8_t

using mn::shared_fast_int8_t = typedef basic_shared_object<int_fast8_t>

A shared object value of int8_fast_t.

◆ shared_fast_uint16_t

using mn::shared_fast_uint16_t = typedef basic_shared_object<uint_fast16_t>

A shared object value of uint16_fast_t.

◆ shared_fast_uint32_t

using mn::shared_fast_uint32_t = typedef basic_shared_object<uint_fast32_t>

A shared object value of uint32_fast_t.

◆ shared_fast_uint64_t

using mn::shared_fast_uint64_t = typedef basic_shared_object<uint_fast64_t>

A shared object value of uint64_fast_t.

◆ shared_fast_uint8_t

using mn::shared_fast_uint8_t = typedef basic_shared_object<uint_fast8_t>

A shared object value of uint8_fast_t.

◆ shared_float_t

using mn::shared_float_t = typedef basic_shared_object<float>

A shared object value of float.

◆ shared_int16_t

using mn::shared_int16_t = typedef basic_shared_object<int16_t>

A shared object value of int16_t.

◆ shared_int32_t

using mn::shared_int32_t = typedef basic_shared_object<int32_t>

A shared object value of int32_t.

◆ shared_int64_t

using mn::shared_int64_t = typedef basic_shared_object<int64_t>

A shared object value of int64_t.

◆ shared_int8_t

using mn::shared_int8_t = typedef basic_shared_object<int8_t>

A shared object value of int8_t.

◆ shared_least_int16_t

using mn::shared_least_int16_t = typedef basic_shared_object<int_least16_t>

A shared object value of int_least16_t.

◆ shared_least_int32_t

using mn::shared_least_int32_t = typedef basic_shared_object<int_least32_t>

A shared object value of int_least32_t.

◆ shared_least_int64_t

using mn::shared_least_int64_t = typedef basic_shared_object<int_least64_t>

A shared object value of int_least64_t.

◆ shared_least_int8_t

using mn::shared_least_int8_t = typedef basic_shared_object<int_least8_t>

A shared object value of int_least8_t.

◆ shared_least_uint16_t

using mn::shared_least_uint16_t = typedef basic_shared_object<uint_least16_t>

A shared object value of uint_least16_t.

◆ shared_least_uint32_t

using mn::shared_least_uint32_t = typedef basic_shared_object<uint_least32_t>

A shared object value of uint_least32_t.

◆ shared_least_uint64_t

using mn::shared_least_uint64_t = typedef basic_shared_object<uint_least64_t>

A shared object value of uint_least64_t.

◆ shared_least_uint8_t

using mn::shared_least_uint8_t = typedef basic_shared_object<uint_least8_t>

A shared object value of uint_least8_t.

◆ shared_object_t

template<class TOBJECT >
using mn::shared_object_t = typedef basic_shared_object<TOBJECT>

◆ shared_size_t

A shared object value of size_t.

◆ shared_string_t

using mn::shared_string_t = typedef basic_shared_object<std::string>

A shared object value of std::string.

◆ shared_uint16_t

using mn::shared_uint16_t = typedef basic_shared_object<uint16_t>

A shared object value of uint16_t.

◆ shared_uint32_t

using mn::shared_uint32_t = typedef basic_shared_object<uint32_t>

A shared object value of uint32_t.

◆ shared_uint64_t

using mn::shared_uint64_t = typedef basic_shared_object<uint64_t>

A shared object value of uint64_t.

◆ shared_uint8_t

using mn::shared_uint8_t = typedef basic_shared_object<uint8_t>

A shared object value of uint8_t.

◆ shared_void_t

using mn::shared_void_t = typedef basic_shared_object<void*>

A shared object value of void*.

◆ size_t

◆ task_list_t

◆ task_t

using mn::task_t = typedef basic_task

using the basic_task as task_t type

◆ task_utils_t

using mn::task_utils_t = typedef task_utils

◆ tasklet_t

using mn::tasklet_t = typedef basic_tasklet

◆ timed_binary_semaphore_t

◆ timed_counting_semaphore_t

◆ timed_mutex_t

◆ timer_t

using mn::timer_t = typedef basic_timer

◆ timespan_t

using mn::timespan_t = typedef basic_timespan

◆ timestamp_t

◆ true_type

using mn::true_type = typedef integral_constant<bool, true>

◆ type_t

template<typename Tag >
using mn::type_t = typedef typename Tag::type

◆ uint128_t

using mn::uint128_t = typedef basic_uint128_t

◆ uint_least128_t

◆ uintmax_t

using mn::uintmax_t = typedef unsigned long

◆ unlock_t

◆ uptrdiff_t

using mn::uptrdiff_t = typedef unsigned long

◆ void_t

template<class ... ts>
using mn::void_t = typedef typename make_void<ts ...>::type

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ byte

enum mn::byte : unsigned char

◆ float_denorm_style

Describes the denormalization for floating-point types.


Indeterminate at compile time whether denormalized values are allowed.


The type does not allow denormalized values.


The type allows denormalized values.

◆ float_round_style

enum mn::float_round_style

Describes the rounding style for floating-point types.




To zero.


To the nearest representable value.


To infinity.

◆ memory_order

enum mn::memory_order : int

◆ pin_direction

enum mn::pin_direction

Function Documentation

◆ _const_reinterpret_cast()

template<typename T , typename R >
const R mn::_const_reinterpret_cast ( const T *  p)

◆ _reinterpret_cast()

template<typename T , typename R >
R mn::_reinterpret_cast ( T *  p)

◆ abs() [1/3]

template<int >
int mn::abs ( const int &  x)

◆ abs() [2/3]

template<short >
short mn::abs ( const short &  x)

◆ abs() [3/3]

T mn::abs ( const T &  t)

◆ accumulate()

void mn::accumulate ( TIter  src,
TIter  last,
T &  dest 

◆ addressof() [1/2]

template<class T >
const T* mn::addressof ( const T &&  )

◆ addressof() [2/2]

template<class T >
constexpr T* mn::addressof ( T &  o)

◆ advance()

template<typename TIter , typename TDistance = typename iterator_traits<TIter>::difference_type>
constexpr void mn::advance ( TIter &  iter,
TDistance  d 

◆ alig_offset()

size_t mn::alig_offset ( void *  address,
size_t  alignment 

◆ align_down()

template<class integral >
constexpr integral mn::align_down ( integral  x,
size_t  a 

◆ align_down_ptr()

template<class pointer >
pointer mn::align_down_ptr ( pointer  p,
size_t  a 

◆ align_up()

template<class integral >
constexpr integral mn::align_up ( integral  x,
size_t  a 

◆ align_up_ptr()

template<class pointer >
pointer mn::align_up_ptr ( pointer  p,
size_t  a 

◆ alignment_for()

size_t mn::alignment_for ( const size_t  size)

◆ back_inserter()

template<class TCon >
constexpr back_insert_iterator<TCon> mn::back_inserter ( TCon &  ctr)

◆ binary_search()

template<typename TIter , typename TComp >
constexpr bool mn::binary_search ( TIter  first,
TIter  last,
const TComp &  value 

◆ construct()

void mn::construct ( T *  mem)

◆ construct_n()

void mn::construct_n ( T *  src,
size_t  n 

◆ copy()

void mn::copy ( const T *  src,
const T *  last,
T *  dest 

◆ copy_backward()

template<typename T >
T* mn::copy_backward ( const T *  first,
const T *  last,
T *  result 

◆ copy_construct() [1/2]

void mn::copy_construct ( T *  mem,
const T &&  orig 

◆ copy_construct() [2/2]

void mn::copy_construct ( T *  mem,
const T &  orig 

◆ copy_construct_n()

void mn::copy_construct_n ( T *  src,
size_t  n,
T *  dest 

◆ copy_n()

void mn::copy_n ( const T *  src,
size_t  n,
T *  dest 

Copy N elements from src to dest.

Template Parameters
TThe type of element
srcThe source
nHow many elements are copy te destination
destThe destination

◆ declval()

template<typename T >
T mn::declval ( )

◆ delay()

void mn::delay ( const timespan_t ts)

Delay a task for a given timespan.

tsThe amount of time, as timespan, that the calling task should block.

◆ delay_until()

unsigned int mn::delay_until ( timespan_t tsPreviousWakeTime,
const unsigned int &  uiTimeIncrement 

Delay a task until a specified time.

tsPreviousWakeTimeThe time at which the task was last unblocked.
uiTimeIncrementThe cycle time period. The task will be unblocked at time tsPreviousWakeTime + uiTimeIncrement. Calling vTaskDelayUntil with the same uiTimeIncrement parameter value will cause the task to execute with a fixed interface period.

◆ destruct()

void mn::destruct ( T *  mem)

◆ destruct_n()

void mn::destruct_n ( T *  src,
size_t  n 

◆ distance()

template<typename TIter >
constexpr iterator_traits<TIter>::difference_type mn::distance ( TIter  first,
TIter  last 

◆ extract_int_key_value()

template<typename T >
result_type mn::extract_int_key_value ( const T &  t)

Default implementations, just casts to hash_value.

◆ fill()

void mn::fill ( T *  src,
T *  last,
const T &  val 

◆ fill_n()

void mn::fill_n ( T *  src,
size_t  n,
const T &  val 

◆ find()

TIter mn::find ( TIter  src,
TIter  last,
const T &  val 

◆ find_if()

TIter mn::find_if ( TIter  src,
TIter  last,
const T &  val,
const TPred &  pred 

◆ foreach()

TFn mn::foreach ( TIter  src,
TIter  last,
TFn  fn 

◆ forward() [1/2]

template<typename T >
T&& mn::forward ( remove_reference_t< T > &&  t)

◆ forward() [2/2]

template<typename T >
T&& mn::forward ( remove_reference_t< T > &  t)

◆ front_inserter()

template<class TCon >
constexpr front_insert_iterator<TCon> mn::front_inserter ( TCon &  ctr)

◆ get_ticks()

unsigned int mn::get_ticks ( )

Get the current tick count or from ISR context - automatic switch

Current tick count.

◆ heap_sort() [1/2]

void mn::heap_sort ( T *  begin,
T *  end 

◆ heap_sort() [2/2]

void mn::heap_sort ( T *  begin,
T *  end,
TPredicate  pred 

◆ hex2char()

char mn::hex2char ( char  ch)

◆ inserter()

template<typename TCon >
constexpr insert_iterator<TCon> mn::inserter ( TCon &  ctr,
typename TCon::iterator  itr 

◆ insertion_sort() [1/2]

void mn::insertion_sort ( T *  begin,
T *  end 

◆ insertion_sort() [2/2]

void mn::insertion_sort ( T *  begin,
T *  end,
TPredicate  pred 

◆ is_aligned() [1/2]

bool mn::is_aligned ( const volatile void *  p,
size_t  a 

◆ is_aligned() [2/2]

template<class integral >
constexpr bool mn::is_aligned ( integral  x,
size_t  a 

◆ is_aligvalid()

constexpr bool mn::is_aligvalid ( size_t  alignment)

is a valid alignment, i.e. a power of two not zero

◆ is_range()

bool mn::is_range ( const T  ch,
const T  min,
const T  max 

◆ is_sorted()

bool mn::is_sorted ( TIter  begin,
TIter  end,
TPredicate  pred 

◆ isalnum()

bool mn::isalnum ( char  ch)

◆ isalpha()

bool mn::isalpha ( char  ch)

◆ isblank()

bool mn::isblank ( char  ch)

◆ iscntrl()

bool mn::iscntrl ( char  ch)

◆ isdigit()

bool mn::isdigit ( char  ch)

◆ isgraph()

bool mn::isgraph ( char  ch)

◆ islower()

bool mn::islower ( char  ch)

◆ isprint()

bool mn::isprint ( char  ch)

◆ isspace()

bool mn::isspace ( char  ch)

◆ isupper()

bool mn::isupper ( char  ch)

◆ isxdigit()

bool mn::isxdigit ( char  ch)

◆ iter_swap()

void mn::iter_swap ( fIt1  a,
fIt2  b 

◆ lock()

template<class TLOCK = LockType_t>
int mn::lock ( TLOCK &  m1,
unsigned int  timeout 

◆ lower_bound() [1/2]

constexpr TIter mn::lower_bound ( TIter  first,
TIter  last,
const TPred &  value 

◆ lower_bound() [2/2]

constexpr TIter mn::lower_bound ( TIter  src,
TIter  last,
const T &  val,
const TPred &  pred 

◆ make_move_iterator()

template<typename TIterator >
constexpr move_iterator<TIterator> mn::make_move_iterator ( TIterator  itr)

◆ make_optional() [1/2]

template<typename T , typename... Args>
constexpr basic_optional<T> mn::make_optional ( Args &&...  args)

◆ make_optional() [2/2]

template<typename T >
constexpr basic_optional<typename mn::decay<T>::type> mn::make_optional ( T &&  value)

◆ make_reverse_iterator()

template<typename TIterator >
constexpr reverse_iterator<TIterator> mn::make_reverse_iterator ( TIterator  itr)

◆ max()

T mn::max ( const T  x,
const T  y 

◆ micros()

unsigned long IRAM_ATTR mn::micros ( )

Get the current micros

Current micros

◆ millis()

unsigned long mn::millis ( )

Get the current millis or from ISR context - automatic switch

Current milliseconds

◆ min()

T mn::min ( const T  x,
const T  y 

◆ minilib_version_print()

void mn::minilib_version_print ( const char *  strPrjName,
const char *  strExtraInfo = "" 

◆ minilib_version_string()

const char* mn::minilib_version_string ( char  version_string[MN_THREAD_VERSION_STRING_LEN])

◆ move() [1/2]

void mn::move ( const T *  src,
const T *  last,
T *  dest 

◆ move() [2/2]

template<typename T >
T&& mn::move ( T &  t)

◆ move_n()

void mn::move_n ( const T *  from,
size_t  n,
T *  dest 

◆ ms_to_ticks()

unsigned int mn::ms_to_ticks ( unsigned int  ms)

Convert from ms to ticks.

DEPRECATED Use timespan
millisecondsmilliseconds to convert.

◆ ndelay()

void mn::ndelay ( const timespan_t req,
timespan_t rem 

Delay a task for a given timespan_t and return in to rem the elapsed mircosecs as timespan_t

reqThe amount of time, as timespan, that the calling task should block.
[out]remThe elapsed mircosecs as timespan_t
mircosecs > 999999999

◆ next()

template<typename TForwardIter , typename TDistance = typename iterator_traits<TForwardIter>::difference_type>
TForwardIter mn::next ( TForwardIter  x,
TDistance  n = 1 

◆ nexthigher()

T mn::nexthigher ( k)

◆ nlz()

size_t mn::nlz ( uint64_t  x)

◆ nlz_base()

size_t mn::nlz_base ( uint64_t  x)

◆ operator!=() [1/8]

template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool mn::operator!= ( const basic_optional< T > &  x,
const basic_optional< U > &  y 

◆ operator!=() [2/8]

template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool mn::operator!= ( const basic_optional< T > &  x,
const U &  v 

◆ operator!=() [3/8]

template<typename T >
constexpr bool mn::operator!= ( const basic_optional< T > &  x,

◆ operator!=() [4/8]

constexpr bool mn::operator!= ( const byte  l,
const byte  r 

◆ operator!=() [5/8]

template<class R , class... Args, size_t sz, size_t algn>
bool mn::operator!= ( const small_task< R(Args...), sz, algn > &  __f,

◆ operator!=() [6/8]

template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool mn::operator!= ( const U &  v,
const basic_optional< T > &  x 

◆ operator!=() [7/8]

template<typename T >
constexpr bool mn::operator!= ( nullopt_t  ,
const basic_optional< T > &  x 

◆ operator!=() [8/8]

template<class R , class... Args, size_t sz, size_t algn>
bool mn::operator!= ( nullptr_t  ,
const small_task< R(Args...), sz, algn > &  __f 

◆ operator&() [1/2]

constexpr byte mn::operator& ( const byte lhr,
const byte rhr 

◆ operator&() [2/2]

memory_order mn::operator& ( memory_order  mMemOrder,
modifier::memory_order  mod 

◆ operator&=()

byte mn::operator&= ( byte lhr,
const byte  rhr 

◆ operator+()

static struct timeval mn::operator+ ( const struct timeval &  lhs,
const struct timeval &  rhs 

Operator to add two timevals

lhsThe left operater timeval
rhsThe right operater timeval

◆ operator-()

static struct timeval mn::operator- ( const struct timeval &  lhs,
const struct timeval &  rhs 

Operator to sub two timevals

lhsThe left operater timeval
rhsThe right operater timeval

◆ operator<() [1/6]

template<typename T >
constexpr bool mn::operator< ( const basic_optional< T > &  ,

◆ operator<() [2/6]

template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool mn::operator< ( const basic_optional< T > &  x,
const basic_optional< U > &  y 

◆ operator<() [3/6]

template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool mn::operator< ( const basic_optional< T > &  x,
const U &  v 

◆ operator<() [4/6]

constexpr bool mn::operator< ( const byte  l,
const byte  r 

◆ operator<() [5/6]

template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool mn::operator< ( const U &  v,
const basic_optional< T > &  x 

◆ operator<() [6/6]

template<typename T >
constexpr bool mn::operator< ( nullopt_t  ,
const basic_optional< T > &  x 

◆ operator<<()

template<typename IntegerType >
constexpr byte mn::operator<< ( byte b,
IntegerType  shift 

◆ operator<<=()

template<typename IntegerType >
byte& mn::operator<<= ( byte b,
IntegerType  shift 

◆ operator<=() [1/6]

template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool mn::operator<= ( const basic_optional< T > &  x,
const basic_optional< U > &  y 

◆ operator<=() [2/6]

template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool mn::operator<= ( const basic_optional< T > &  x,
const U &  v 

◆ operator<=() [3/6]

template<typename T >
constexpr bool mn::operator<= ( const basic_optional< T > &  x,

◆ operator<=() [4/6]

constexpr bool mn::operator<= ( const byte  l,
const byte  r 

◆ operator<=() [5/6]

template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool mn::operator<= ( const U &  v,
const basic_optional< T > &  x 

◆ operator<=() [6/6]

template<typename T >
constexpr bool mn::operator<= ( nullopt_t  ,
const basic_optional< T > &   

◆ operator==() [1/8]

template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool mn::operator== ( const basic_optional< T > &  x,
const basic_optional< U > &  y 

◆ operator==() [2/8]

template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool mn::operator== ( const basic_optional< T > &  x,
const U &  v 

◆ operator==() [3/8]

template<typename T >
constexpr bool mn::operator== ( const basic_optional< T > &  x,

◆ operator==() [4/8]

constexpr bool mn::operator== ( const byte  l,
const byte  r 

◆ operator==() [5/8]

template<class R , class... Args, size_t sz, size_t algn>
bool mn::operator== ( const small_task< R(Args...), sz, algn > &  __f,

◆ operator==() [6/8]

template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool mn::operator== ( const U &  v,
const basic_optional< T > &  x 

◆ operator==() [7/8]

template<typename T >
constexpr bool mn::operator== ( nullopt_t  ,
const basic_optional< T > &  x 

◆ operator==() [8/8]

template<class R , class... Args, size_t sz, size_t algn>
bool mn::operator== ( nullptr_t  ,
const small_task< R(Args...), sz, algn > &  __f 

◆ operator>() [1/6]

template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool mn::operator> ( const basic_optional< T > &  x,
const basic_optional< U > &  y 

◆ operator>() [2/6]

template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool mn::operator> ( const basic_optional< T > &  x,
const U &  v 

◆ operator>() [3/6]

template<typename T >
constexpr bool mn::operator> ( const basic_optional< T > &  x,

◆ operator>() [4/6]

constexpr bool mn::operator> ( const byte  l,
const byte  r 

◆ operator>() [5/6]

template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool mn::operator> ( const U &  v,
const basic_optional< T > &  x 

◆ operator>() [6/6]

template<typename T >
constexpr bool mn::operator> ( nullopt_t  ,
const basic_optional< T > &   

◆ operator>=() [1/6]

template<typename T >
constexpr bool mn::operator>= ( const basic_optional< T > &  ,

◆ operator>=() [2/6]

template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool mn::operator>= ( const basic_optional< T > &  x,
const basic_optional< U > &  y 

◆ operator>=() [3/6]

template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool mn::operator>= ( const basic_optional< T > &  x,
const U &  v 

◆ operator>=() [4/6]

constexpr bool mn::operator>= ( const byte  l,
const byte  r 

◆ operator>=() [5/6]

template<typename T , typename U >
constexpr bool mn::operator>= ( const U &  v,
const basic_optional< T > &  x 

◆ operator>=() [6/6]

template<typename T >
constexpr bool mn::operator>= ( nullopt_t  ,
const basic_optional< T > &  x 

◆ operator>>()

template<typename IntegerType >
constexpr byte mn::operator>> ( byte b,
IntegerType  shift 

◆ operator>>=()

template<typename IntegerType >
byte& mn::operator>>= ( byte b,
IntegerType  shift 

◆ operator^()

constexpr byte mn::operator^ ( const byte lhr,
const byte rhr 

◆ operator^=()

byte mn::operator^= ( byte lhr,
const byte  rhr 

◆ operator|() [1/2]

constexpr byte mn::operator| ( const byte lhr,
const byte rhr 

◆ operator|() [2/2]

memory_order mn::operator| ( memory_order  mMemOrder,
modifier::memory_order  mod 

◆ operator|=()

byte mn::operator|= ( byte lhr,
const byte  rhr 

◆ operator~()

constexpr byte mn::operator~ ( byte  b)

◆ panic()

void mn::panic ( )

◆ popcount()

size_t mn::popcount ( uint32_t  v)

◆ prev()

template<typename TBidirectionalIter , typename TDistance = typename iterator_traits<TBidirectionalIter>::difference_type>
TBidirectionalIter mn::prev ( TBidirectionalIter  x,
TDistance  n = 1 

◆ quick_sort() [1/2]

void mn::quick_sort ( T *  begin,
T *  end 

◆ quick_sort() [2/2]

void mn::quick_sort ( T *  begin,
T *  end,
TPredicate  pred 

◆ random_shuffle()

template<typename TRandomAccessIterator , typename TRandFunc >
void mn::random_shuffle ( TRandomAccessIterator  first,
TRandomAccessIterator  last,
const TRandFunc &  func 

◆ remove_const_it()

template<class TCon >
constexpr TCon::iterator mn::remove_const_it ( typename TCon::const_iterator  itr,
TCon &   

◆ seconds_to_ticks()

unsigned int mn::seconds_to_ticks ( unsigned int  ms)

Convert from seconds to ticks.

DEPRECATED Use timespan
secondsseconds to convert.

◆ shell_sort() [1/2]

void mn::shell_sort ( T *  begin,
T *  end 

◆ shell_sort() [2/2]

void mn::shell_sort ( T *  begin,
T *  end,
TPredicate  pred 

◆ sort() [1/2]

void mn::sort ( T *  begin,
T *  end 

◆ sort() [2/2]

void mn::sort ( T *  begin,
T *  end,
TPredicate  pred 

◆ swap() [1/5]

template<typename T >
void mn::swap ( basic_optional< T > &  a,
basic_optional< T > &  b 

◆ swap() [2/5]

void mn::swap ( basic_timestamp  a,
basic_timestamp  b 

◆ swap() [3/5]

void mn::swap ( TAssignable &  a,
TAssignable &  b 

◆ swap() [4/5]

void mn::swap ( TAssignable(&)  x[N],
TAssignable(&)  y[N] 

◆ swap() [5/5]

void mn::swap ( timespan_t s1,
timespan_t s2 

◆ swap_ranges()

fIt2 mn::swap_ranges ( fIt1  a,
fIt1  b,
fIt2  c 

◆ ticks_to_ms()

unsigned int mn::ticks_to_ms ( unsigned int  ticks)

Convert from ticks to ms.

DEPRECATED Use timespan
ticksticks to convert.

◆ time_to_ms()

unsigned int mn::time_to_ms ( const struct timeval *  time)

Convert timeval to milliseconds

DEPRECATED Use timespan
timeThe timeval to convert
the timeval in milliseconds

◆ time_to_ticks()

unsigned int mn::time_to_ticks ( const struct timeval *  time)

Convert timeval to ticks

DEPRECATED Use timespan
timeThe timeval to convert
the timeval in ticks

◆ to_byte()

template<class IntegerType , class = typename mn::enable_if<mn::is_integral<IntegerType>::value>::type>
constexpr byte mn::to_byte ( IntegerType  v)

◆ to_integer()

template<typename IntegerType , class = typename mn::enable_if<mn::is_integral<IntegerType>::value>::type>
IntegerType mn::to_integer ( byte  b)

◆ to_uchar() [1/2]

constexpr unsigned char mn::to_uchar ( byte  b)

◆ to_uchar() [2/2]

constexpr unsigned char mn::to_uchar ( int  i)

◆ try_lock()

template<class TLOCK = LockType_t>
bool mn::try_lock ( TLOCK &  m1)

◆ unlock()

template<class TLOCK = LockType_t>
int mn::unlock ( TLOCK &  m1)

◆ upper_bound() [1/2]

constexpr TIter mn::upper_bound ( TIter  first,
TIter  last,
const TPred &  value 

◆ upper_bound() [2/2]

constexpr TIter mn::upper_bound ( TIter  src,
TIter  last,
const T &  val,
const TPred &  pred 

Variable Documentation

◆ default_alignment

const size_t mn::default_alignment = alignof(void*)

◆ max_alignment

constexpr size_t mn::max_alignment = alignof(max_align_t)

◆ microsMux