struct | basic_atomic_gcc |
| Generic atomic type, primary class template. More...
struct | _atomic |
| Only for declar special version for types. More...
struct | _atomic< bool > |
| Special version for bool. More...
struct | _atomic< char > |
| Special version for char. More...
struct | _atomic< signed char > |
| Special version for signed char. More...
struct | _atomic< short > |
| Special version for short. More...
struct | _atomic< int > |
| Special version for int. More...
struct | _atomic< long > |
| Special version for long. More...
struct | _atomic< long long > |
| Special version for long long. More...
struct | _atomic< unsigned char > |
| Special version for unsigned char. More...
struct | _atomic< unsigned short > |
| Special version for short. More...
struct | _atomic< unsigned int > |
| Special version for int. More...
struct | _atomic< unsigned long > |
| Special version for long. More...
struct | _atomic< char16_t > |
| Special version for char16_t. More...
struct | _atomic< char32_t > |
| Special version for char32_t. More...
struct | _atomic< wchar_t > |
| Special version for wchar_t. More...
struct | _atomic_ptr |
| Special version for pointer. More...
struct | is_pod< container::pair< TFIRST, TSECOND > > |
struct | is_pod< container::triple< TFIRST, TSECOND, TTHIRD > > |
struct | value2size |
struct | value2size_raw |
class | basic_atomic_flag |
class | atomic_counter |
| This class implements a simple counter, whit atomic operations for use in a multithreaded environment. More...
class | basic_atomic_singleton |
| Singleton with double-checked locking pattern with atomic and mutex lock. More...
class | atomic_spinlock |
| This class implements a simple spinlack, whit atomic operations. More...
class | auto_release_object |
class | auto_release |
| A simple garbage collector - pool based, a object for this colector must be extends auto_release_object. More...
class | basic_semaphore |
class | basic_binary_semaphore |
class | buffer |
| A buffer class that allocates a buffer of a given type and size. More...
class | basic_clock |
class | only_copyable_tag |
| Not movable. More...
class | only_move_tag |
| Not copyable. More...
class | only_oneable_tag |
| Not copyable or movable. More...
class | copy_move_tag |
| copyable and movable More...
class | basic_counting_semaphore |
class | null_type |
struct | system_endian |
| Get the underlying endian architecture? More...
struct | base_eventargs |
class | exit_eventargs |
class | handler_eventargs |
struct | base_event |
class | event_system |
class | basic_event_group |
| Wrapper class around FreeRTOS's implementation of a event_group. More...
class | basic_fbit |
class | fast_type |
class | small_task |
class | small_task< R(Args...), sz, algn > |
struct | tag |
struct | conditional |
struct | conditional< false, T, F > |
struct | bit_or |
struct | bit_or<> |
struct | bit_or< A > |
struct | bit_or< A, B > |
struct | bit_or< A, B, C, N... > |
struct | remove_reference |
struct | remove_reference< T & > |
struct | remove_const |
struct | remove_const< T const > |
struct | remove_volatile |
struct | remove_volatile< T volatile > |
struct | remove_cv |
struct | remove_cvref |
struct | add_const |
struct | add_volatile |
struct | add_cv |
struct | add_reference |
struct | add_pointer |
struct | add_lvalue_reference |
struct | add_rvalue_reference |
struct | decay3 |
struct | decay3< R(Args...)> |
struct | decay2 |
struct | decay2< T[N]> |
struct | decay |
struct | is_convertible |
struct | is_convertible< void, void > |
struct | enable_if |
struct | enable_if< true, T > |
struct | is_same |
struct | is_same< A, A > |
struct | is_base_of |
struct | logic_and |
struct | logic_or |
struct | logic_not |
struct | sqrt |
struct | factorial |
| Calculates the Nth factorial value. More...
struct | factorial< 0 > |
| Calculates the 0 factorial value. More...
struct | fibonacci |
| Calculates the Nth Fibonacci value. More...
struct | fibonacci< 0 > |
| Calculates the 0 Fibonacci value. More...
struct | fibonacci< 1 > |
| Calculates the 1 Fibonacci value. More...
struct | hash |
| Default implementation of hasher. More...
struct | hash< T * > |
struct | hash< char * > |
struct | hash< const char * > |
struct | hash< int8_t > |
struct | hash< uint8_t > |
struct | hash< int16_t > |
struct | hash< uint16_t > |
struct | hash< int32_t > |
struct | hash< uint32_t > |
struct | hash< int64_t > |
struct | hash< uint64_t > |
struct | hash_function |
struct | hash_function< const char * > |
class | basic_initializer_list |
struct | input_iterator_tag |
struct | output_iterator_tag |
struct | forward_iterator_tag |
struct | bidirectional_iterator_tag |
struct | random_access_iterator_tag |
struct | iterator_traits |
struct | iterator_traits< T * > |
class | reverse_iterator |
class | insert_iterator |
class | back_insert_iterator |
class | front_insert_iterator |
class | move_iterator |
class | basic_iterator_pair |
class | basic_iterator_triple |
class | ITimer |
class | numeric_limits |
class | numeric_limits< const T > |
class | numeric_limits< volatile T > |
class | numeric_limits< const volatile T > |
class | numeric_limits< bool > |
| Spezial version for bool. More...
class | numeric_limits< char > |
| Spezial version for char. More...
class | numeric_limits< unsigned char > |
| Spezial version for uchar. More...
class | numeric_limits< signed char > |
| Spezial version for uchar. More...
class | numeric_limits< short > |
| Spezial version for short. More...
class | numeric_limits< unsigned short > |
| Spezial version for unsigned short. More...
class | numeric_limits< int > |
| Spezial version for int. More...
class | numeric_limits< unsigned int > |
| Spezial version for unsigned int. More...
class | numeric_limits< long > |
| Spezial version for long. More...
class | numeric_limits< unsigned long > |
| Spezial version for unsigned long. More...
class | numeric_limits< long long > |
| Spezial version for long long. More...
class | numeric_limits< unsigned long long > |
| Spezial version for unsigned long long. More...
class | numeric_limits< float > |
| Spezial version for float. More...
class | numeric_limits< double > |
| Spezial version for double. More...
class | numeric_limits< long double > |
| Spezial version for long double. More...
class | ILockObject |
class | basic_autolock |
class | basic_autounlock |
class | basic_mutex |
class | basic_null_lock |
| Null Lock is a lock object without any lock logic. More...
struct | nullopt_t |
class | basic_optional |
class | basic_hardware_pin |
class | basic_esp32_hardware_digital_pin |
class | basic_safe_counter |
| safe counter is a base of thread saftly counter More...
class | basic_schedular |
class | basic_shared_object |
class | basic_singleton |
class | basic_task |
| Wrapper class around FreeRTOS's implementation of a task. More...
class | basic_task_list |
class | task_utils |
class | basic_tasklet |
class | basic_thread |
class | base_tickhook_entry |
class | basic_timed_lock |
class | basic_timer |
class | basic_timespan |
| This class represents a time span (using microseconds) More...
class | basic_timestamp |
| A Timestamp stores a monotonic* time value with microseconds resolution. More...
struct | type_traits |
struct | type_traits< T & > |
struct | type_traits< const T > |
struct | type_traits< const T & > |
struct | type_traits< volatile T & > |
struct | type_traits< const volatile T & > |
struct | type_traits< T * > |
struct | type_traits< T[N]> |
struct | type_traits< const T[N]> |
struct | integral_constant |
struct | is_const |
struct | is_const< T const > |
struct | is_volatile |
| is_volatile More...
struct | is_volatile< T volatile > |
struct | is_empty |
| is_empty More...
struct | is_enum |
struct | is_union |
struct | is_class |
struct | is_function |
struct | is_function< T(Args...)> |
struct | is_function< T(Args...) & > |
struct | is_function< T(Args...) && > |
struct | is_function< T(Args......)> |
struct | is_function< T(Args......) & > |
struct | is_function< T(Args......) && > |
struct | is_function< T(Args...) const > |
struct | is_function< T(Args...) const & > |
struct | is_function< T(Args...) const && > |
struct | is_function< T(Args......) const > |
struct | is_function< T(Args......) const & > |
struct | is_function< T(Args......) const && > |
struct | is_function< T(Args...) volatile > |
struct | is_function< T(Args...) volatile & > |
struct | is_function< T(Args...) volatile && > |
struct | is_function< T(Args......) volatile > |
struct | is_function< T(Args......) volatile & > |
struct | is_function< T(Args......) volatile && > |
struct | is_function< T(Args...) const volatile > |
struct | is_function< T(Args...) const volatile & > |
struct | is_function< T(Args...) const volatile && > |
struct | is_function< T(Args......) const volatile > |
struct | is_function< T(Args......) const volatile & > |
struct | is_function< T(Args......) const volatile && > |
struct | is_abstract |
struct | is_polymorphic |
struct | is_literal_type |
struct | is_pod |
struct | is_trivial |
| is_trivial More...
struct | is_trivially_copyable |
struct | is_standard_layout |
| is_standard_layout More...
struct | is_bind_expression |
struct | is_placeholder |
struct | is_integral |
struct | is_integral< const T > |
struct | is_integral< volatile T > |
struct | is_integral< const volatile T > |
struct | is_rational |
struct | is_rational< const T > |
struct | is_rational< volatile T > |
struct | is_rational< const volatile T > |
struct | is_void |
struct | is_void< const T > |
struct | is_void< volatile T > |
struct | is_void< const volatile T > |
struct | is_floating_point |
struct | is_floating_point< float > |
struct | is_floating_point< double > |
struct | is_floating_point< long double > |
struct | is_floating_point< const T > |
struct | is_floating_point< volatile T > |
struct | is_floating_point< const volatile T > |
struct | is_lvalue_reference |
| is_lvalue_reference More...
struct | is_lvalue_reference< T & > |
struct | is_rvalue_reference |
| is_rvalue_reference More...
struct | is_rvalue_reference< T && > |
struct | is_pointer |
struct | is_pointer< T * > |
struct | is_fundamental |
struct | has_trivial_constructor |
struct | has_trivial_copy |
struct | has_trivial_assign |
struct | has_trivial_destructor |
struct | is_reference |
struct | is_arithmetic |
| is_arithmetic More...
struct | is_object |
| is_object More...
struct | is_signed |
| is_signed More...
struct | is_signed< char > |
struct | is_signed< signed char > |
struct | is_signed< short > |
struct | is_signed< int > |
struct | is_signed< long > |
struct | is_signed< long long > |
struct | is_signed< float > |
struct | is_signed< double > |
struct | is_signed< long double > |
struct | is_signed< const T > |
struct | is_signed< volatile T > |
struct | is_signed< const volatile T > |
struct | is_unsigned |
| is_unsigned More...
struct | is_unsigned< bool > |
struct | is_unsigned< char > |
struct | is_unsigned< unsigned char > |
struct | is_unsigned< unsigned short > |
struct | is_unsigned< unsigned int > |
struct | is_unsigned< unsigned long > |
struct | is_unsigned< unsigned long long > |
struct | is_unsigned< const T > |
struct | is_unsigned< volatile T > |
struct | is_unsigned< const volatile T > |
struct | is_member_pointer |
struct | is_compound |
| is_compound More...
struct | basic_uint128_t |
class | basic_void_type |
| A dummy class with value-type semantics, mostly useful as a template argument. More...
struct | make_void |
struct | hash< mn::pointer::value_ptr< T, D, C > > |
struct | is_pod< internal::aligned1 > |
struct | is_pod< internal::aligned2 > |
struct | is_pod< internal::aligned4 > |
struct | is_pod< internal::aligned8 > |
struct | is_pod< internal::aligned16 > |
struct | is_pod< internal::aligned32 > |
struct | is_pod< internal::aligned64 > |
struct | alignment_of |
struct | alignment_of< void > |
struct | alignment_of< void const > |
struct | alignment_of< void const volatile > |
struct | alignment_of< void volatile > |
struct | long_double_alignment |
struct | long_double_alignment< Target, false > |
struct | double_alignment |
struct | double_alignment< Target, false > |
struct | long_long_alignment |
struct | long_long_alignment< Target, false > |
struct | long_alignment |
struct | long_alignment< Target, false > |
struct | int_alignment |
struct | int_alignment< Target, false > |
struct | short_alignment |
struct | short_alignment< Target, false > |
struct | char_alignment |
struct | char_alignment< Target, false > |
struct | aligned_as |
class | compressed_pair |
class | ebo_storage |
class | ebo_storage< T, TAG, mn::enable_if_t< mn::is_class< T >::value > > |
struct | int_to_type |
struct | type_to_type |
struct | select |
struct | select< false, T, U > |
class | basic_ramdom_xorshift |
| Pseudro-Random Number Generator based on xor_shift128++ generator. More...
class | IPseudoRandomUtil |
| An Intarface for all randoms classes in this library. More...
class | basic_random_lfsr |
| Pseudro-Random Number Generator based on a 32-bit linear-feedback shift register.
struct | less |
struct | greater |
struct | equal_to |
struct | not_equal_to |
struct | greater_equal |
struct | less_equal |
struct | negate |
struct | plus |
struct | minus |
struct | multiplies |
struct | divides |
struct | modulus |
struct | inc |
struct | dec |
union | basic_fbit.__unnamed11__ |
union | fast_type.__unnamed13__ |
union | basic_uint128_t.__unnamed16__ |
struct | basic_uint128_t.__unnamed16__.__unnamed18__ |
template<typename T > |
using | atomic_ptr = _atomic_ptr< T * > |
using | atomic_bool = _atomic< bool > |
using | atomic_char = _atomic< char > |
using | atomic_schar = _atomic< signed char > |
using | atomic_short = _atomic< short > |
using | atomic_int = _atomic< int > |
using | atomic_long = _atomic< long > |
using | atomic_int_least8_t = _atomic< int_least8_t > |
using | atomic_int_least16_t = _atomic< int_least16_t > |
using | atomic_int_least32_t = _atomic< int_least32_t > |
using | atomic_int_least64_t = _atomic< int_least64_t > |
using | atomic_int_fast8_t = _atomic< int_fast8_t > |
using | atomic_int_fast16_t = _atomic< int_fast16_t > |
using | atomic_int_fast32_t = _atomic< int_fast32_t > |
using | atomic_int_fast64_t = _atomic< int_fast64_t > |
using | atomic_int8_t = _atomic< int8_t > |
using | atomic_int16_t = _atomic< int16_t > |
using | atomic_int32_t = _atomic< int32_t > |
using | atomic_int64_t = _atomic< int64_t > |
using | atomic_uchar = _atomic< unsigned char > |
using | atomic_ushort = _atomic< unsigned short > |
using | atomic_uint = _atomic< unsigned int > |
using | atomic_ulong = _atomic< unsigned long > |
using | atomic_uint_least8_t = _atomic< uint_least8_t > |
using | atomic_uint_least16_t = _atomic< uint_least16_t > |
using | atomic_uint_least32_t = _atomic< uint_least32_t > |
using | atomic_uint_least64_t = _atomic< uint_least64_t > |
using | atomic_uint_fast8_t = _atomic< uint_fast8_t > |
using | atomic_uint_fast16_t = _atomic< uint_fast16_t > |
using | atomic_uint_fast32_t = _atomic< uint_fast32_t > |
using | atomic_uint_fast64_t = _atomic< uint_fast64_t > |
using | atomic_uint8_t = _atomic< uint8_t > |
using | atomic_uint16_t = _atomic< uint16_t > |
using | atomic_uint32_t = _atomic< uint32_t > |
using | atomic_uint64_t = _atomic< uint64_t > |
using | atomic_intptr_t = _atomic< intptr_t > |
using | atomic_uintptr_t = _atomic< uintptr_t > |
using | atomic_size_t = _atomic< size_t > |
using | atomic_ptrdiff_t = _atomic< ptrdiff_t > |
using | atomic_intmax_t = _atomic< intmax_t > |
using | atomic_uintmax_t = _atomic< uintmax_t > |
using | atomic_char16_t = _atomic< char16_t > |
using | atomic_char32_t = _atomic< char32_t > |
using | atomic_wchar_t = _atomic< wchar_t > |
using | atomic_sig_t = _atomic< int > |
using | atomic_flag = basic_atomic_flag< bool > |
template<typename T > |
using | atomic_singleton = basic_atomic_singleton< T > |
using | autocsemp_t = basic_autolock< counting_semaphore_t > |
using | autobinsemp_t = basic_autolock< binary_semaphore_t > |
using | automutx_t = basic_autolock< mutex_t > |
using | LockType_t = mn::binary_semaphore_t |
using | autolock_t = basic_autolock< LockType_t > |
using | autouncsemp_t = basic_autounlock< counting_semaphore_t > |
using | autounbinsemp_t = basic_autounlock< binary_semaphore_t > |
using | autounmutx_t = basic_autounlock< mutex_t > |
using | unlock_t = basic_autounlock< LockType_t > |
using | binary_semaphore_t = basic_binary_semaphore |
using | counting_semaphore_t = basic_counting_semaphore |
using | max_align_t = uintptr_t |
using | nullptr_t = decltype(nullptr) |
using | addrof_null_t = nullptr_t |
using | size_t = MN_THREAD_CONFIG_SIZE_TYPE |
using | ptrdiff_t = long |
using | uptrdiff_t = unsigned long |
using | intmax_t = signed long |
using | uintmax_t = unsigned long |
using | event_group_t = basic_event_group |
using | fsize_t = fast_type< value2size< size_t >::size, size_t > |
using | ffloat_t = fast_type< value2size< float >::size, float > |
using | fdouble_t = fast_type< value2size< double >::size, double > |
using | fint8_t = fast_type< value2size< int8_t >::size, int8_t > |
using | fint16_t = fast_type< value2size< int16_t >::size, int16_t > |
using | fint32_t = fast_type< value2size< int32_t >::size, int32_t > |
using | fint64_t = fast_type< value2size< int64_t >::size, int64_t > |
using | fuint8_t = fast_type< value2size< uint8_t >::size, uint8_t > |
using | fuint16_t = fast_type< value2size< uint16_t >::size, uint16_t > |
using | fuint32_t = fast_type< value2size< uint32_t >::size, uint32_t > |
using | fuint64_t = fast_type< value2size< uint64_t >::size, uint64_t > |
using | fuint128_t = fast_type< value2size< uint128_t >::size, uint128_t > |
using | fint_least8_t = fast_type< value2size< int_least8_t >::size, int_least8_t > |
using | fint_least16_t = fast_type< value2size< int_least16_t >::size, int_least16_t > |
using | fint_least32_t = fast_type< value2size< int_least32_t >::size, int_least32_t > |
using | fint_least64_t = fast_type< value2size< int_least64_t >::size, int_least64_t > |
using | fuint_least8_t = fast_type< value2size< uint_least8_t >::size, uint_least8_t > |
using | fuint_least16_t = fast_type< value2size< uint_least16_t >::size, uint_least16_t > |
using | fuint_least32_t = fast_type< value2size< uint_least32_t >::size, uint_least32_t > |
using | fuint_least64_t = fast_type< value2size< uint_least64_t >::size, uint_least64_t > |
using | fuint_least128_t = fast_type< value2size< uint_least128_t >::size, uint_least128_t > |
template<class Sig > |
using | function = small_task< Sig, sizeof(void *) *4, alignof(void *)> |
template<typename Tag > |
using | type_t = typename Tag::type |
template<typename T > |
using | remove_reference_t = type_t< remove_reference< T > > |
template<typename T > |
using | decay_t = type_t< decay< T > > |
template<template< typename... > typename Z, typename... Ts> |
using | can_apply = internal::can_apply< Z, void, Ts... > |
template<bool b, class T = void> |
using | enable_if_t = type_t< enable_if< b, T > > |
template<class Sig > |
using | res_of = internal::res_of< Sig > |
template<class Sig > |
using | result_of = internal::res_of< Sig > |
template<class Sig > |
using | res_of_t = type_t< res_of< Sig > > |
template<class Sig > |
using | result_of_t = internal::res_of< Sig > |
using | result_type = mn::size_t |
template<typename T > |
using | initializer_list = basic_initializer_list< T > |
using | mutex_t = basic_mutex |
using | null_lock = basic_null_lock |
template<typename T > |
using | optional = basic_optional< T > |
template<int TPin, bool TLevel = false, pin_direction TDirection = pin_direction::Output> |
using | esp32_digital_pin = basic_esp32_hardware_pin< TPin > |
using | safe_counter_t = basic_safe_counter< uint64_t, LockType_t > |
| sot the default safe_counter, value type are uint64_t and as lock type use LockType_t More...
using | schedular = basic_schedular |
template<class TOBJECT > |
using | shared_object_t = basic_shared_object< TOBJECT > |
using | shared_int8_t = basic_shared_object< int8_t > |
| A shared object value of int8_t . More...
using | shared_int16_t = basic_shared_object< int16_t > |
| A shared object value of int16_t . More...
using | shared_int32_t = basic_shared_object< int32_t > |
| A shared object value of int32_t . More...
using | shared_int64_t = basic_shared_object< int64_t > |
| A shared object value of int64_t . More...
using | shared_uint8_t = basic_shared_object< uint8_t > |
| A shared object value of uint8_t . More...
using | shared_uint16_t = basic_shared_object< uint16_t > |
| A shared object value of uint16_t . More...
using | shared_uint32_t = basic_shared_object< uint32_t > |
| A shared object value of uint32_t . More...
using | shared_uint64_t = basic_shared_object< uint64_t > |
| A shared object value of uint64_t . More...
using | shared_fast_int8_t = basic_shared_object< int_fast8_t > |
| A shared object value of int8_fast_t . More...
using | shared_fast_int16_t = basic_shared_object< int_fast16_t > |
| A shared object value of int16_fast_t . More...
using | shared_fast_int32_t = basic_shared_object< int_fast32_t > |
| A shared object value of int32_fast_t . More...
using | shared_fast_int64_t = basic_shared_object< int_fast64_t > |
| A shared object value of int64_fast_t . More...
using | shared_fast_uint8_t = basic_shared_object< uint_fast8_t > |
| A shared object value of uint8_fast_t . More...
using | shared_fast_uint16_t = basic_shared_object< uint_fast16_t > |
| A shared object value of uint16_fast_t . More...
using | shared_fast_uint32_t = basic_shared_object< uint_fast32_t > |
| A shared object value of uint32_fast_t . More...
using | shared_fast_uint64_t = basic_shared_object< uint_fast64_t > |
| A shared object value of uint64_fast_t . More...
using | shared_least_int8_t = basic_shared_object< int_least8_t > |
| A shared object value of int_least8_t . More...
using | shared_least_int16_t = basic_shared_object< int_least16_t > |
| A shared object value of int_least16_t . More...
using | shared_least_int32_t = basic_shared_object< int_least32_t > |
| A shared object value of int_least32_t . More...
using | shared_least_int64_t = basic_shared_object< int_least64_t > |
| A shared object value of int_least64_t . More...
using | shared_least_uint8_t = basic_shared_object< uint_least8_t > |
| A shared object value of uint_least8_t . More...
using | shared_least_uint16_t = basic_shared_object< uint_least16_t > |
| A shared object value of uint_least16_t . More...
using | shared_least_uint32_t = basic_shared_object< uint_least32_t > |
| A shared object value of uint_least32_t . More...
using | shared_least_uint64_t = basic_shared_object< uint_least64_t > |
| A shared object value of uint_least64_t . More...
using | shared_float_t = basic_shared_object< float > |
| A shared object value of float . More...
using | shared_double_t = basic_shared_object< double > |
| A shared object value of double . More...
using | shared_bool_t = basic_shared_object< bool > |
| A shared object value of bool . More...
using | shared_void_t = basic_shared_object< void * > |
| A shared object value of void* . More...
using | shared_size_t = basic_shared_object< size_t > |
| A shared object value of size_t . More...
using | shared_char_t = basic_shared_object< char > |
| A shared object value of char . More...
using | shared_string_t = basic_shared_object< std::string > |
| A shared object value of std::string . More...
using | task_t = basic_task |
| using the basic_task as task_t type More...
using | task_list_t = basic_task_list |
using | task_utils_t = task_utils |
using | tasklet_t = basic_tasklet |
using | timed_mutex_t = basic_timed_lock< mutex_t > |
using | timed_binary_semaphore_t = basic_timed_lock< binary_semaphore_t > |
using | timed_counting_semaphore_t = basic_timed_lock< counting_semaphore_t > |
using | timer_t = basic_timer |
using | timespan_t = basic_timespan |
using | timestamp_t = basic_timestamp |
using | true_type = integral_constant< bool, true > |
using | false_type = integral_constant< bool, false > |
using | uint128_t = basic_uint128_t |
using | uint_least128_t = basic_uint128_t |
template<class ... ts> |
using | void_t = typename make_void< ts ... >::type |
using | random_xorshift = basic_ramdom_xorshift |
using | random_lfsr = basic_random_lfsr |
using | default_random_engine = random_xorshift |
memory_order | operator| (memory_order mMemOrder, modifier::memory_order mod) |
memory_order | operator& (memory_order mMemOrder, modifier::memory_order mod) |
void | panic () |
size_t | popcount (uint32_t v) |
void | copy_construct (T *mem, const T &orig) |
void | copy_construct (T *mem, const T &&orig) |
void | construct (T *mem) |
void | destruct (T *mem) |
void | copy_n (const T *src, size_t n, T *dest) |
| Copy N elements from src to dest. More...
void | copy (const T *src, const T *last, T *dest) |
void | copy_construct_n (T *src, size_t n, T *dest) |
void | move_n (const T *from, size_t n, T *dest) |
void | move (const T *src, const T *last, T *dest) |
template<typename T > |
T * | copy_backward (const T *first, const T *last, T *result) noexcept |
TFn | foreach (TIter src, TIter last, TFn fn) |
void | construct_n (T *src, size_t n) |
void | destruct_n (T *src, size_t n) |
void | fill (T *src, T *last, const T &val) |
void | fill_n (T *src, size_t n, const T &val) |
constexpr TIter | lower_bound (TIter first, TIter last, const TPred &value) |
constexpr TIter | lower_bound (TIter src, TIter last, const T &val, const TPred &pred) |
constexpr TIter | upper_bound (TIter first, TIter last, const TPred &value) |
constexpr TIter | upper_bound (TIter src, TIter last, const T &val, const TPred &pred) |
template<typename TIter , typename TComp > |
constexpr bool | binary_search (TIter first, TIter last, const TComp &value) |
TIter | find (TIter src, TIter last, const T &val) |
TIter | find_if (TIter src, TIter last, const T &val, const TPred &pred) |
void | accumulate (TIter src, TIter last, T &dest) |
T | abs (const T &t) |
template<int > |
int | abs (const int &x) |
template<short > |
short | abs (const short &x) |
bool | is_range (const T ch, const T min, const T max) |
bool | islower (char ch) |
bool | isupper (char ch) |
bool | isalpha (char ch) |
bool | isdigit (char ch) |
bool | iscntrl (char ch) |
bool | isspace (char ch) |
bool | isblank (char ch) |
bool | isgraph (char ch) |
bool | isprint (char ch) |
bool | isxdigit (char ch) |
bool | isalnum (char ch) |
char | hex2char (char ch) |
T | max (const T x, const T y) |
T | min (const T x, const T y) |
void | swap (TAssignable &a, TAssignable &b) |
void | swap (TAssignable(&x)[N], TAssignable(&y)[N]) |
void | iter_swap (fIt1 a, fIt2 b) |
fIt2 | swap_ranges (fIt1 a, fIt1 b, fIt2 c) |
template<typename TRandomAccessIterator , typename TRandFunc > |
void | random_shuffle (TRandomAccessIterator first, TRandomAccessIterator last, const TRandFunc &func) |
template<class TLOCK = LockType_t> |
int | lock (TLOCK &m1, unsigned int timeout) |
template<class TLOCK = LockType_t> |
int | unlock (TLOCK &m1) |
template<class TLOCK = LockType_t> |
bool | try_lock (TLOCK &m1) |
template<typename IntegerType , class = typename mn::enable_if<mn::is_integral<IntegerType>::value>::type> |
IntegerType | to_integer (byte b) |
template<class IntegerType , class = typename mn::enable_if<mn::is_integral<IntegerType>::value>::type> |
constexpr byte | to_byte (IntegerType v) noexcept |
constexpr unsigned char | to_uchar (byte b) noexcept |
constexpr unsigned char | to_uchar (int i) noexcept |
template<typename IntegerType > |
byte & | operator<<= (byte &b, IntegerType shift) noexcept |
template<typename IntegerType > |
byte & | operator>>= (byte &b, IntegerType shift) noexcept |
template<typename IntegerType > |
constexpr byte | operator<< (byte &b, IntegerType shift) noexcept |
template<typename IntegerType > |
constexpr byte | operator>> (byte &b, IntegerType shift) noexcept |
constexpr bool | operator== (const byte l, const byte r) noexcept |
constexpr bool | operator!= (const byte l, const byte r) noexcept |
constexpr bool | operator< (const byte l, const byte r) noexcept |
constexpr bool | operator<= (const byte l, const byte r) noexcept |
constexpr bool | operator> (const byte l, const byte r) noexcept |
constexpr bool | operator>= (const byte l, const byte r) noexcept |
byte | operator|= (byte &lhr, const byte rhr) noexcept |
byte | operator&= (byte &lhr, const byte rhr) noexcept |
byte | operator^= (byte &lhr, const byte rhr) noexcept |
constexpr byte | operator| (const byte &lhr, const byte &rhr) noexcept |
constexpr byte | operator^ (const byte &lhr, const byte &rhr) noexcept |
constexpr byte | operator& (const byte &lhr, const byte &rhr) noexcept |
constexpr byte | operator~ (byte b) noexcept |
template<class R , class... Args, size_t sz, size_t algn> |
bool | operator== (const small_task< R(Args...), sz, algn > &__f, nullptr_t) |
template<class R , class... Args, size_t sz, size_t algn> |
bool | operator== (nullptr_t, const small_task< R(Args...), sz, algn > &__f) |
template<class R , class... Args, size_t sz, size_t algn> |
bool | operator!= (const small_task< R(Args...), sz, algn > &__f, nullptr_t) |
template<class R , class... Args, size_t sz, size_t algn> |
bool | operator!= (nullptr_t, const small_task< R(Args...), sz, algn > &__f) |
template<typename T > |
T && | move (T &t) |
template<typename T > |
T && | forward (remove_reference_t< T > &t) |
template<typename T > |
T && | forward (remove_reference_t< T > &&t) |
template<typename T > |
T | declval () |
template<typename T > |
result_type | extract_int_key_value (const T &t) |
| Default implementations, just casts to hash_value. More...
template<typename TIter > |
constexpr iterator_traits< TIter >::difference_type | distance (TIter first, TIter last) |
template<typename TIter , typename TDistance = typename iterator_traits<TIter>::difference_type> |
constexpr void | advance (TIter &iter, TDistance d) |
template<typename TForwardIter , typename TDistance = typename iterator_traits<TForwardIter>::difference_type> |
TForwardIter | next (TForwardIter x, TDistance n=1) |
template<typename TBidirectionalIter , typename TDistance = typename iterator_traits<TBidirectionalIter>::difference_type> |
TBidirectionalIter | prev (TBidirectionalIter x, TDistance n=1) |
template<typename TIterator > |
constexpr reverse_iterator< TIterator > | make_reverse_iterator (TIterator itr) |
template<typename TCon > |
constexpr insert_iterator< TCon > | inserter (TCon &ctr, typename TCon::iterator itr) |
template<class TCon > |
constexpr back_insert_iterator< TCon > | back_inserter (TCon &ctr) |
template<class TCon > |
constexpr front_insert_iterator< TCon > | front_inserter (TCon &ctr) |
template<class TCon > |
constexpr TCon::iterator | remove_const_it (typename TCon::const_iterator itr, TCon &) |
template<typename TIterator > |
constexpr move_iterator< TIterator > | make_move_iterator (TIterator itr) |
unsigned long | micros () |
unsigned long | millis () |
unsigned int | get_ticks () |
unsigned int | ticks_to_ms (unsigned int ticks) MN_DEPRECATED |
unsigned int | ms_to_ticks (unsigned int ms) MN_DEPRECATED |
unsigned int | seconds_to_ticks (unsigned int ms) MN_DEPRECATED |
unsigned int | time_to_ms (const struct timeval *time) MN_DEPRECATED |
unsigned int | time_to_ticks (const struct timeval *time) MN_DEPRECATED |
static struct timeval | operator- (const struct timeval &lhs, const struct timeval &rhs) |
static struct timeval | operator+ (const struct timeval &lhs, const struct timeval &rhs) |
template<typename T > |
void | swap (basic_optional< T > &a, basic_optional< T > &b) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
constexpr bool | operator== (const basic_optional< T > &x, const basic_optional< U > &y) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
constexpr bool | operator!= (const basic_optional< T > &x, const basic_optional< U > &y) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
constexpr bool | operator< (const basic_optional< T > &x, const basic_optional< U > &y) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
constexpr bool | operator> (const basic_optional< T > &x, const basic_optional< U > &y) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
constexpr bool | operator<= (const basic_optional< T > &x, const basic_optional< U > &y) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
constexpr bool | operator>= (const basic_optional< T > &x, const basic_optional< U > &y) |
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | operator== (const basic_optional< T > &x, nullopt_t) noexcept |
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | operator== (nullopt_t, const basic_optional< T > &x) noexcept |
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | operator!= (const basic_optional< T > &x, nullopt_t) noexcept |
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | operator!= (nullopt_t, const basic_optional< T > &x) noexcept |
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | operator< (const basic_optional< T > &, nullopt_t) noexcept |
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | operator< (nullopt_t, const basic_optional< T > &x) noexcept |
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | operator<= (const basic_optional< T > &x, nullopt_t) noexcept |
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | operator<= (nullopt_t, const basic_optional< T > &) noexcept |
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | operator> (const basic_optional< T > &x, nullopt_t) noexcept |
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | operator> (nullopt_t, const basic_optional< T > &) noexcept |
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | operator>= (const basic_optional< T > &, nullopt_t) noexcept |
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | operator>= (nullopt_t, const basic_optional< T > &x) noexcept |
template<typename T , typename U > |
constexpr bool | operator== (const basic_optional< T > &x, const U &v) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
constexpr bool | operator== (const U &v, const basic_optional< T > &x) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
constexpr bool | operator!= (const basic_optional< T > &x, const U &v) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
constexpr bool | operator!= (const U &v, const basic_optional< T > &x) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
constexpr bool | operator< (const basic_optional< T > &x, const U &v) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
constexpr bool | operator< (const U &v, const basic_optional< T > &x) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
constexpr bool | operator<= (const basic_optional< T > &x, const U &v) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
constexpr bool | operator<= (const U &v, const basic_optional< T > &x) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
constexpr bool | operator> (const basic_optional< T > &x, const U &v) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
constexpr bool | operator> (const U &v, const basic_optional< T > &x) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
constexpr bool | operator>= (const basic_optional< T > &x, const U &v) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
constexpr bool | operator>= (const U &v, const basic_optional< T > &x) |
template<typename T > |
constexpr basic_optional< typename mn::decay< T >::type > | make_optional (T &&value) |
template<typename T , typename... Args> |
constexpr basic_optional< T > | make_optional (Args &&... args) |
void | delay (const timespan_t &ts) |
unsigned int | delay_until (timespan_t &tsPreviousWakeTime, const unsigned int &uiTimeIncrement) |
| Delay a task until a specified time. More...
void | ndelay (const timespan_t &req, timespan_t *rem) |
void | swap (timespan_t &s1, timespan_t &s2) |
void | swap (basic_timestamp a, basic_timestamp b) |
const char * | minilib_version_string (char version_string[MN_THREAD_VERSION_STRING_LEN]) |
void | minilib_version_print (const char *strPrjName, const char *strExtraInfo="") |
template<class T > |
constexpr T * | addressof (T &o) noexcept |
template<class T > |
const T * | addressof (const T &&)=delete |
template<class integral > |
constexpr bool | is_aligned (integral x, size_t a) noexcept |
bool | is_aligned (const volatile void *p, size_t a) |
template<class integral > |
constexpr integral | align_up (integral x, size_t a) noexcept |
template<class pointer > |
pointer | align_up_ptr (pointer p, size_t a) |
template<class integral > |
constexpr integral | align_down (integral x, size_t a) noexcept |
template<class pointer > |
pointer | align_down_ptr (pointer p, size_t a) |
constexpr bool | is_aligvalid (size_t alignment) noexcept |
| is a valid alignment, i.e. a power of two not zero More...
size_t | alig_offset (void *address, size_t alignment) noexcept |
size_t | alignment_for (const size_t size) noexcept |
size_t | nlz_base (uint64_t x) |
size_t | nlz (uint64_t x) |
void | insertion_sort (T *begin, T *end, TPredicate pred) |
void | insertion_sort (T *begin, T *end) |
void | shell_sort (T *begin, T *end, TPredicate pred) |
void | shell_sort (T *begin, T *end) |
void | quick_sort (T *begin, T *end, TPredicate pred) |
void | quick_sort (T *begin, T *end) |
void | heap_sort (T *begin, T *end, TPredicate pred) |
void | heap_sort (T *begin, T *end) |
bool | is_sorted (TIter begin, TIter end, TPredicate pred) |
void | sort (T *begin, T *end, TPredicate pred) |
void | sort (T *begin, T *end) |
T | nexthigher (T k) noexcept |
template<typename T , typename R > |
R | _reinterpret_cast (T *p) |
template<typename T , typename R > |
const R | _const_reinterpret_cast (const T *p) |
This file is part of the Mini Thread Library (https://github.com/RoseLeBlood/MiniThread ). Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Amber-Sophia Schroeck
The Mini Thread Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
The Mini Thread Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Mini Thread Library; if not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
This file is part of the Mini Thread Library (https://github.com/RoseLeBlood/MiniThread ). Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Amber-Sophia Schroeck
The Mini Thread Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
The Mini Thread Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Mini Thread Library; if not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
This file is part of the Mini Thread Library (https://github.com/RoseLeBlood/MiniThread ). Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Amber-Sophia Schroeck
The Mini Thread Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
The Mini Thread Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Mini Thread Library; if not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
Condition variables are an additon to the mini Thread classes. If you want to include them, you need to define the following in your config file with MN_THREAD_CONFIG_YES
This file is part of the Mini Thread Library (https://github.com/RoseLeBlood/MiniThread ). Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Amber-Sophia Schroeck
The Mini Thread Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
The Mini Thread Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Mini Thread Library; if not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/. -
- Author
- Amber-Sophia Schröck
- Date
- 2021.02.14
This file is part of the Mini Thread Library (https://github.com/RoseLeBlood/MiniThread ). Copyright (c) 2021 Amber-Sophia Schroeck
The Mini Thread Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
The Mini Thread Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Mini Thread Library; if not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.